RIP Pat Hollingdale - brewing pioneer responsible for making BIAB popular

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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For those of you that have not heard, Pat Hollingdale passed away from cancer on July 12, 2020. I believe this should be mentioned on the BIAB forum because Pat is the main reason BIAB is so popular across the world today.

Pat would be quick to share credit with a handful of other Australia homebrew pioneers in inventing this mashing process, but credit for making the BIAB process popular - at least in its early days - was almost entirely Pat. If he had not spent the thousands of hours researching, testing and then promoting the process, it is doubtful it would have became so popular around the world! The BIAB process gives people like me what we see as an easier method to brew high quality, whole grain beer. He was a great mentor to me and many others of us who use the BIAB process today. Pat was a great writer and always willing to spend time answering questions in detail, and had an uncanny ability to make technical processes seem easy.

@shetc was kind to have mentioned Pat’s passing in a post on the chit-chat forum as well, but I was concerned many folks would not see it there...
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Really sorry to hear this about Pat. I've been an avid BIAB brewer for the last 7+ years, and I can only thank him (and other Aussie pioneers) for his contribution to home brewing. He's saved me many hours off my hundreds of brew days, and for that I (and my family!) are thankful. May he rest in peace! We can all raise one to Pat. Cheers my friend!