Rice Hulls How much should I use

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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Does anyone know what is the proper ratio of rice hulls that should be used. I was told that throwing in a few hand fulls would help. As far as I can tell it is not too exacting but I think that 1 lb per 10 lbs grain is excessive. 1 lb seems quite large. I am not mashing wheat, just pale malt and specialty grains. I have had one stuck mash and now I'm trying to avoid a repeat performance.
Honestly if you've gotten stuck with just Pale malt, you might wanna look into your system design or your crush maybe. If you're gonna try using rice hulls, go with 1/2lb...
As Soulive said, 1/2lb should be plenty even for a 70/30 wheat beer.

What are you using for a lautering manifold and how is your crush? With a standard grist you shouldn't be having stuck sparges unless something is a little out of whack.
I only use rice hulls when I make my Hefe, and then it is only 1/2 a pound. I also pre-soak them, then rinse before using. That way they don't soak up any wort and they don't pass any dirt into the kettle either.
I use a ss toilet braid with the sliced vinyl line to hold it round. It normally works really well. The last time I got the grain at the lhbs it was ground to flour. That was great except... it was a stuck mash. 2 hours to drain all the wort 85-90% efficiency. I got great efficiency by come on 2 hours???. Anyway, I just ordered my BC and I am hoping for better results with my very own BC rather than the old jps maltmill at the shop.
Yeah, I don't know what to say. It was really stuck.
The only time I've gotten a stuck sparge was when I made a spud beer. Then it took two pounds of hulls to get it to work for five gallons.