return M809 and get chugger pump instead?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2010
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Hey everyone,

I was purchasing some brew stuff from an online vendor, and saw that they had the march809 pumps on sale, cheaper than anywhere else, as far as I could tell. I bought the pumps, and within 3 days or so of them arriving, I found the chugger pumps, and that they were selling (with a stainless steel head) for about $10 cheaper, per pump than my march 809 with the plastic head.

I would be out the cost of shipping, but should I return these and get the chuggers? What would you do? I have not used the march pumps and infact not even plugged them in, so the vendor would only be out their shipping costs, which they more than covered in the profit they made off my other $1000+ in other purchases....
Ok, I'm happy to hear that. I was reading another post where someone else was complaining about the noise of the 809 vs the chugger. While I did not buy the motor because I thought it would be silent, and the primary purpose of the pump is to pump water/wort, it would nice if the chugger was considerably more quiet than the 809.
Our 809's are not noisy, they all run at about 60db and the only noise you should really be hearing is the fan noise of the motor when running. You can hold a normal conversation standing right next to it. If you are getting any kind of metalic noises then it could be the drive magnet rubbing against the rear housing of the pump head due to shipping or if it was dropped at some point. If anyone has a "noisy" pump that bothers them alot feel free to ship it to me and i will check it out and see whats going on. Only cost to you would be the cost of getting it to us here in IL. :)

The Chuggers will be just as noisy as they are the same setup and same style motor....

I have no experience with a chugger pump, but will back up Walter's statement. I have no issues with March Pump noise. It basically equates to a hum. As he noted, conversations can be had in the direct vicinity of the pump without issue.
I have no experience with a chugger pump, but will back up Walter's statement. I have no issues with March Pump noise. It basically equates to a hum. As he noted, conversations can be had in the direct vicinity of the pump without issue.

As a previous owner of a March 809 and now the Little Giant 3-MD-HC my experience is the March is significantly louder than the LG and the LG is more powerful. The cooling fan on the March motor was the noise producer. I have no experience with the Chugger either. are comparing two different pumps all together. the LG 3-MD-HC would be the same as our series 3 pumps....but they would all be at around the same DB level as far as noise goes.

-Walter are comparing two different pumps all together. the LG 3-MD-HC would be the same as our series 3 pumps....but they would all be at around the same DB level as far as noise goes.


I'll give you pumping power as unfair, noise no. The 809 was significantly louder than the LG I have now. If I still had the 809 I would bring them both to you for side to side noise measurement test as I am in your area (Glenview is my home town!)
I have an original chugger and a March 809 and would not recommend returning it. I wouldn't say they're the same, but for my usage, they're close enough that I wouldn't bother trying to change now. A stainless head would be nice though it doesn't really change much in the end.
I'll give you pumping power as unfair, noise no. The 809 was significantly louder than the LG I have now. If I still had the 809 I would bring them both to you for side to side noise measurement test as I am in your area (Glenview is my home town!)

Sure bring it by if you still have it....i can run it and see if anything happens to be out of whack. Some motors are inherintly louder then others but thats the nature of a mechanical item. :)

No experience with chugger pumps, but I've got 2 full years of use with a March pump with absolutely 0 issues. The noise is not enough to both you at all, its just enough that you know when it turns on (which I find to be a great thing with float switches set to turn on the pumps when sparging). I've got it set below my BK, MT and HLT and have never had an issue with priming.

If an issue should arise eventually with my March pump, I would have no issues just upgrading to their newest model
The March Pump has less Hp then the Chugger....1/25 vs 1/20 on the Chugger...this does make the motor considerably less noisy. We are running a brew this weekend and I will post the March motor noise vs Chugger. Is this really a consideration for these pumps?

Propane burners far exceed the noise of any pump??



Ok, I'm happy to hear that. I was reading another post where someone else was complaining about the noise of the 809 vs the chugger. While I did not buy the motor because I thought it would be silent, and the primary purpose of the pump is to pump water/wort, it would nice if the chugger was considerably more quiet than the 809.
Not the same motor .....not the same setup .....

Our 809's are not noisy, they all run at about 60db and the only noise you should really be hearing is the fan noise of the motor when running. You can hold a normal conversation standing right next to it. If you are getting any kind of metalic noises then it could be the drive magnet rubbing against the rear housing of the pump head due to shipping or if it was dropped at some point. If anyone has a "noisy" pump that bothers them alot feel free to ship it to me and i will check it out and see whats going on. Only cost to you would be the cost of getting it to us here in IL. :)

The Chuggers will be just as noisy as they are the same setup and same style motor....

What would you do?

March makes a good product backed by excellent customer service. Walter is on here all the time and provides free advice, what more do you require?

Someone from chugger gets on here and bashes the competition and types in capitals like an angry child, who would you rather deal with?

the guy with 2 chicks making out!!!

March makes a good product backed by excellent customer service. Walter is on here all the time and provides free advice, what more do you require?

Someone from chugger gets on here and bashes the competition and types in capitals like an angry child, who would you rather deal with?

March makes a good product backed by excellent customer service. Walter is on here all the time and provides free advice, what more do you require?

Someone from chugger gets on here and bashes the competition and types in capitals like an angry child, who would you rather deal with?


Bashing might be a strong word. Chugger contends that their pump is quieter, March contends that it isn't. I'd challenge either/both to back up their claim with some evidence. Maybe a video of both pumps in action in a similar setup and a spl meter measuring the noise.

It's great that we have two competitors reaching out and fighting for our business. Whoever wins, we do too.

I am inclined to agree that we could live without the all caps statements.
Not Bashing ... not yeliing ....I LIKE CAPS !

We sold March for over 20 years ( OVER 1000 809'S) in the last year ......good products...good people ....we started brewing beer and with Plastic 809's ....and as a pump distributor for over 20 years selling FDA grade pumps to the food industry we did not want to use Plastic to brew .....we made the 1st Chugger head worked great. As passionate brewers we decide to passs it on to other brewers at lowest prices possible .

We believe in this the point where March no longer allows us to sell their products ( we were among their top distributors in industrial products)

Times change and we change with them ....Its your choice Chugger or March....but our customer service is beyond any ....we are 15 years strong in the pump business with 8 guys here that can answer anything about our pumps 24/7.

call me anytime 800-810-1053

Bashing might be a strong word. Chugger contends that their pump is quieter, March contends that it isn't. I'd challenge either/both to back up their claim with some evidence. Maybe a video of both pumps in action in a similar setup and a spl meter measuring the noise.

It's great that we have two competitors reaching out and fighting for our business. Whoever wins, we do too.

I am inclined to agree that we could live without the all caps statements.
So ..let me get this right....your pump shorted out....which could be from numerous things inlcuding fluid getting in the motor ...power surges ...ect ...I offer to replace it ...if you send it back to me and this is not good enough for you ?

no im sending it back, i was just under the impression you guys were out of business. im more than greatful that you are letting me send it back. thank you
I'd challenge either/both to back up their claim with some evidence. Maybe a video of both pumps in action in a similar setup and a spl meter measuring the noise.

Challenge accepted! :mug:
For your viewing pleasure:

As you can see by the video....the march may have a slightly higher pitch to the motor due to the fan blades but "noise" wise they are both right at 60db when running wide open.
The test was done in our lab be fair and honest we did take the chugger apart when we first got it to see what it was like. And our pump was straight out of the box, the first one we took of the shelf from the stock room that anyone of you may have gotten. :tank:

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I have been using an 809 for a few years. Never a problem. Not much noise, either; I remember when I first got it it made a strange whining noise, but that went away with a minute of use and I don't think I ever heard it again.

I've replace the head though. Broke it twice (short drops). I would strongly suggest a metal head for anyone using these pumps as portable devices. In a fixed structure, wouldn't matter.
wow, never would of thought the thread I started would of turned into this! Thanks for the comparison Walter.
I will have another up shortly on the new AC-3B-MD pump so you can see how quiet that one is.....i think its actually more quiet then the 809's are :D Check the thread "best pump for brewing larger batches" or something along those lines that BK_Brewery started

We will also be introducing a new Chugger ...Polysulfone with Hytrel Diaphragm..Self Priming up to 4 ft handling temps thru 180 F..FDA GRADE
Want to try a replacement SS Head ?

I have been using an 809 for a few years. Never a problem. Not much noise, either; I remember when I first got it it made a strange whining noise, but that went away with a minute of use and I don't think I ever heard it again.

I've replace the head though. Broke it twice (short drops). I would strongly suggest a metal head for anyone using these pumps as portable devices. In a fixed structure, wouldn't matter.
Want to try a replacement SS Head ?

Yes, very much, but now that I've bought the replacement polysulfone head I don't want to buy another (until I break it again, of course!).

Funny, I had every intention of replacing with brass but when I looked I couldn't find them. Was in a hurry and just bought the plastic. I'm certain I'll be regretting that soon.
Hows free???....send me a private meesage with your address!!

Yes, very much, but now that I've bought the replacement polysulfone head I don't want to buy another (until I break it again, of course!).

Funny, I had every intention of replacing with brass but when I looked I couldn't find them. Was in a hurry and just bought the plastic. I'm certain I'll be regretting that soon.
Also, as i re-read some of these posts, This was one of the first prototype chugger pumps and has the 1/25hp motor....from what chuggerpumps has posted, the new ones are 1/20hp so it may/maynot be different in noise.
