Hi All:
I brewed the recipe below that I swiped off this forum. It's basically my wife's favorite beer. After three days of fermentation, it died down really quickly. I noticed only a bubble every couple minutes. I left it on the yeast cake for a while to clean up and planned to finish up as the recipe called.
But earlier this week, fermentation started right back up again! Now it's going pretty strong--like a bubble every 15 seconds. Is this normal for this yeast? I will say that the house temp dropped to around 68º during that time, and now it's around 74º.
Anyway, I'm keen to hear what your thoughts are. I'm on schedule to lager it this weekend, but if it's still fermenting...
--Cheers, Chris
SG 1.078
FG 1.006
IBU: 58
10.75 lbs. Belgian Pilsner
2.00 lbs. Beet Sugar
.75 oz Columbus 60 min.--> 16.4 AA
.35 oz.Columbus 20 min.
1.25 oz.Czech Saaz 7 min.
.75 oz. Cascade Dry Hop
White Labs WLP550
<Mash Temps >
143.6 ºF >>20min
154.4 ºF >>70min
Pitching temp>75 ºF
Lager 3 weeks> (while dry hopping)
35.6 ºF
I brewed the recipe below that I swiped off this forum. It's basically my wife's favorite beer. After three days of fermentation, it died down really quickly. I noticed only a bubble every couple minutes. I left it on the yeast cake for a while to clean up and planned to finish up as the recipe called.
But earlier this week, fermentation started right back up again! Now it's going pretty strong--like a bubble every 15 seconds. Is this normal for this yeast? I will say that the house temp dropped to around 68º during that time, and now it's around 74º.
Anyway, I'm keen to hear what your thoughts are. I'm on schedule to lager it this weekend, but if it's still fermenting...
--Cheers, Chris
SG 1.078
FG 1.006
IBU: 58
10.75 lbs. Belgian Pilsner
2.00 lbs. Beet Sugar
.75 oz Columbus 60 min.--> 16.4 AA
.35 oz.Columbus 20 min.
1.25 oz.Czech Saaz 7 min.
.75 oz. Cascade Dry Hop
White Labs WLP550
<Mash Temps >
143.6 ºF >>20min
154.4 ºF >>70min
Pitching temp>75 ºF
Lager 3 weeks> (while dry hopping)
35.6 ºF