Requiem for a Brewery?

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Dec 16, 2015
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Platteville, WI
I don't want to post this item if it's not appropriate...

...I managed to scratch an itch of mine--that is, to brew in a commercial brewery, see if people would actually pay money for my beer and, more importantly, come back and buy it again.

Sadly, that brewery closed due to a huge number of mistakes.

I wrote up an after-action report on that which I sent to a relative who was thinking of opening a brewery, as a kind of warning, detailing the mistakes they made in hopes he would not repeat them.

Is there interest in such a thing and/or is it appropriate to post something like that here? I know most home brewers, in their dreams, wish they could brew commercially...I actually had a chance to do it. And yes, people bought my beer and came back and bought more. :)

If it's acceptable to post this (it's LONG, probably six typewritten pages), what would be an appropriate forum for that? It details the mistakes, and I so wish we could go back in time and correct those.

BTW, the name of the brewery and brewers have been removed so no one should feel like it's being mean--but I wonder if people would like to see how not to do it?
Finally, some in-house click-bait! :rock:

We'd love to see this saga posted in the DRMM forum - if only as "the venue of last resort" here on HBT 😁
Finally, some in-house click-bait! :rock:

We'd love to see this saga posted in the DRMM forum - if only as "the venue of last resort" here on HBT 😁
What I wrote really isn't a fantasy--it's an after-action report of the mistakes a brewery made. They're really quite profound in many ways.

I'm sorry you see it as click bait. Maybe it's not appropriate for HBT. I know most brewers dream of being able to do it for money and for real; I had the chance to do exactly that.

And as a result I thought maybe the brewers here might appreciate it.
I’d read it.

Also see “How not to open a damn brewery” podcast. Some stories are interesting, some sad others you just realize these people didn't have a clue in what they were doing……

Opening a brewery is about making money not beer. Once people realize that then they should reconsider. Beer has to be exceptional of course but that’s just part of it. Especially today.

I also worked in a brewery but only in the back brewing and cellaring etc. . I didnt do
Purchasing, marketing, payroll, HR, book keeping, clean the parking lot debris prior to opening, clean the toilets etc.
I know most brewers dream of being able to do it for money and for real; I had the chance to do exactly that.
Glad you scratched your itch, had some success and learned a few lessons. But I'm pretty sure that most home brewers have absolutely no interest in going pro, and are brewing "for real" already. Of course, that doesn't mean people wouldn't find your experiences interesting.
I tried my hand at having my own homebrew shop from 2000 to about the middle of 2004. I wrote small bits about it here and there but never did a full blown anything. Similarly, I hope most here are not interested in having a store and are smart enough to know its not a big money making venture. So many have tried and failed. Everybody talks lip service about supporting their local store but in practice it often doesn’t happen. Costs of everything are higher, especially for those who aren’t buying in large quantities. Shipping and delivery fees are more. Online competition with free shipping is fierce. You all have been warned but I think everybody knew already.