repitching a slurry that's just under calculated pitch rate

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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2012
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I've got about 90ml of WLP001 slurry that I harvested about 4 weeks ago. Mr. Malty says I need about 103ml's (105 billion cells). Checking yeast calculator, if I do a 1 liter starter it should give me around 160 billion cells which is significantly over my target. Would you make a smaller starter or just pitch the 90ml's and be done with it. Any advice?
I'd call it close enough and be done.... But I'm lazy that way.

My understanding of Mr Malty is that it gets you in the ballpark but that without actual cell counts, your slurry will vary from the assumed cell density and the exact numbers won't match anyway.
I'd call it close enough and be done.... But I'm lazy that way.

My understanding of Mr Malty is that it gets you in the ballpark but that without actual cell counts, your slurry will vary from the assumed cell density and the exact numbers won't match anyway.

Yes, I do seem to recall some saying that MrMalty tends to underestimate viability. I think you are right. A bit of growth is a good thing! :D
could do that starter, suspend the yeast in the resulting beer, and pitch approximately that percent of the vessel. Toss the rest or store it for next time.

I'm still learning too so take it for what it's worth..