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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all! I’m reintroducing myself. It’s been years since I’ve been in here and brewed any beer. A few years back I had a series of heart attacks that put me down for awhile. At the time I was an avid brewer, heart attacks put a stop to tgst. While recovering I couldn’t do much of anything. I didn’t think I’d be brewing again so o got rid of all my brewing equipment. Long story short, I was cleaning out my attic and came across an old Mr beer fermenter. That relit the fire, so I’m getting back into brewing again. As I type I just finished putting a mt beer Octoberfedt in the LBK. I decided to make my first brew something simple. I don’t drink much anymore so 5 and 10 gallon brews won’t be in the picture. This time around I’ll be brewing 1 gallon and half batches. I have some equipment on the way from Midwest Supplies, should be here Monday. Then I’ll try an all grain one gallon batch. I don’t drink much beer anymore, but I love brewing beer, all aspects of it. I never kegged before so I’m going to try kegging this time around.
Welcome back, glad your health is getting better and you can get back into brewing. I have often thought about scaling back and brewing gallon batches of new stuff I have never tried. Seems a good way to get more variety. Enjoy and post away. These folks are rock stars when it comes to info.
Thanks! I'm glad to be back. So much has changed since I left. I've got to familiarize myself again. One thing hasn't"t changed though: Malts + hops + hops + water = BEER. It's as simple as that.
Welcome back, glad your health is getting better and you can get back into brewing. I have often thought about scaling back and brewing gallon batches of new stuff I have never tried. Seems a good way to get more variety. Enjoy and post away. These folks are rock stars when it comes to info.
Thanks for the welcome. I'm glad to be back! Health is better, learned to take better care of myself. I don't much beer anymore, most of my brewing buddies and friends I'd give away too have moved on it seems. With the larger batches sometimes I'd b\get tired of the beer before it was gone. Smaller batches allow me to try out different things and I van keep beer in the pipeline. Honestly, I enjoy brewing the beer better than drinking it. I like the experimentation and process.
Welcome back and glad to hear you are doing better. I too am older and not drinking as much now a days and am brewing some smaller batches. I enjoy brewing as much as drinking the results and find developing recipes and the processes to be good exercise for the mind.
Cheers and good luck.