Recipe help with oatmeal stout

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Sep 15, 2010
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Baltimore MD
I brewed a stout last weekend and frustrated with myself with the results. I took a sample today for a gravity reading and the beer is very light in color, medium brown.

I have been brewing off and on for a while but I am getting the feeling to need to dial in my process. After being a little sloppy with things hoping to get better. Somewhere at the brew store I did not get my volumes correct on the grains. The recipe is not far off from my previous brews but I wound up with less Roasted Malt than needed. Also the container said roasted Malt but the receipt says Roasted Barley (unmalted). Now I am wondering what I have brewed, a brown ale?
The ph stayed at 5.0 and the mash was at 154. The OG was 1.052 and the sample is at 1.014 five days in with some activity and foam today.
Does anyone know what I should call this? Should I add anything (thinking of turning it into a holiday beer)?
Ingredients: 18 lbs 2-row pale malt; 2lbs crystal 80L; 3lbs Flaked Oats; 18oz Carapils Malt; 14oz Choc Malt; 10oz Roasted Barley; 3 oz Warrior (60); 2- packs US-05.
Thank you
What size batch is this, looks about 12 gals? At 2.9% roasted barley and 3.3% chocolate I'd say you're light on the dark malts for a stout, probably between a porter and a brown. If it drinks like a brown ale then call it that! For an oatmeal stout I've had good luck with 6% chocolate and 5% roasted barley (basically a slight modification of Yooper's popular recipe). You might try something along those lines. I don't think you need that carapils with all the oats and the other 2 lb of dark crystal.

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