recipe for a light beer my wife will like

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Dec 28, 2007
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I got a brew kit for christmas and have already made my first beer. I love it, I can't believe it was this easy, but my wife only likes light beer. What is a good recipe that tastes good and similar to miller lite or bud light. I think this would be a crowd pleaser for a big party. :mug:
Miller and Bud are actually fairly difficult to make because they have lots of adjuncts (like rice and corn) and they need to be lagered (fermented at very cold temperatures). I'd suggest you go with a Pale ale. They are fairly easy to make and look like an American Light Lager. Check out the 'Recipe Database' at the top of the page.
I saw a Brewer's Best kit in a store, and it was called "American Cream ale" and it looked like something that might be as close as you could get with an easy kit. There was another one, too, that might work- it was called something like "American Light". I think those would be fine to try and they'd be lighter, less hopped beers, and still be good for you to drink, too!

(I haven't used those particular kits, but I have used a few of the Brewer's Best kits and think they are pretty good!)
YooperBrew said:
I saw a Brewer's Best kit in a store, and it was called "American Cream ale" and it looked like something that might be as close as you could get with an easy kit. There was another one, too, that might work- it was called something like "American Light". I think those would be fine to try and they'd be lighter, less hopped beers, and still be good for you to drink, too!

(I haven't used those particular kits, but I have used a few of the Brewer's Best kits and think they are pretty good!)

I had a pete's wicked Wanderlust Cream Ale the other day... that was the most boring bland beer I have had in ages. If that is a good example of a cream ale, then yes, they would be a perfect replacement for BMC
Light-bodied, light-colored or light tasting? If all 3, I would go with the cream ale. If just light colored, there are may styles that might please. Also, not all dark beer has a heavy feel to it. Schwartz bier is a quite dark but has a light body.
I was in the same boat and I decided to do a Hefeweizen, I like it, and SWMBO/her girlfriends love it.
A hefeweizen is a very strong flavored beer. I keep a kolsch on tap for my wife. It's one of the lighter styles that is an ale so you don't have to worry about all the lagering work.
How about a blonde? very simple and pretty straightforward. It's like an all malt BMC. Give the Jamil Show about blonde's a listen
how about a flavored hefe like a Rasberry UFO type style? Most of the girls that drink beer that I know stick to the BMC or lighter beers like a UFO or a Sam Summer type deal, light and fruity

Also Mr Beer (gasp! Mr Beer!?) has a recipe that sounds similar to what you're looking for. I think it is this one..