Rasterbator - Make huge posters one sheet @ a time

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2007
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West Palm, FL

I have made a few of these, one was a 8ft tall by 10ft wide(I worked at a copy center in college so it was....ahem....cheap;) ) picture of Audrey Hepburn for my SWMBO. I put it up in her apartment while she was away, and suprised her with a wall mural.
Essentially you upload a picture, it turns it into a dot matrix(you determine how sharp you want the pic by adjusting the dot size), and it allows you to make it however big you want it. You can also do B&W, all one color, or 'full' color. Then you print the pages, and put them up in order. If you're making a huge one, go to a copy center and they print black and white for <.07cents a page, so its not too expensive. I'll try to dig up my pictures, but I have a few shrink wrapped that I've never put up.
Here are some pics of what people have done, the website has more too:
I love using this application i have this one on my wall currently.

Dude...this is the coolest thing I've ever seen...SWMBO is going to kill me with what I plan on doing with this....HA HA HA....
Lukus said:
That's Awsome, thanks for the link

No problem, its funny because when I was making them I told EVERYONE because I thought it was so cool, but then I kind of forgot about it.
After reading all of the crap that people have been saying regarding rasterbation, I felt that I had to post and give my opinion. I am sick and tired of all the religous and uptight groups that are saying that only immoral people are rasterbaters!! First of all, who do these people think they are to decide what is morally right or wrong for me? I believe that I have a good set of morals. I am a law abiding, tax paying citizen, I work full time and provide for my child; whom I teach to be courteous, respect his elders, be a hard worker, have respect for all of humankind as well as the earth, and not to 'cram' his opinions and beliefs down other people's throats.


Roseanne Roseannadanna

Hmm I guess I'm getting to old to figure these things out. I tryed it with a picture of my daughter fishing, but you can't even make it out.........
My cubicle prison cell is littered with rasterbated art for Ron English, the Moonites and Kozik. It's been a popular tool in my office for the past year.
THanks for the link...

A just in time stocking stuffer.

I just rastorbated (I like the sound of that) a picture of my daughters dog for her bedroom wall...


BierMuncher said:
THanks for the link...

A just in time stocking stuffer.

I just rastorbated (I like the sound of that) a picture of my daughters dog for her bedroom wall...


View attachment 3783

CORGI! Best dogs evar! We have two.

now, back to rasterbating...er...masticating....nevermind.
The Drizzle said:
I love using this application i have this one on my wall currently.


Looks great.
As a transplanted NYer, i'd love that.

What did you use for frames?
This is one I did a couple years ago...

Original picture

Rasterbation (before framing)

Yeah, im a big VW fan ;)
Some others that i've done.. (pics, not actuals)
This is in my foyer going to the basement..

This is in our bedroom

I did this exact picture for a friend, but he hasn't hung it up yet.
capcrnch said:
I did this exact picture for a friend, but he hasn't hung it up yet.

Perhaps my favorite movie of all time and quite fitting for a large poster. :mug:

My wife is the manager of the prepress department at an international company that specializes in digital printing so I've got access to two of these - http://www.xerox.com/digital-printi...s/color-printing/xerox-igen3-110-90/enus.html

Big posters are awesome though. I had an almost wall-sized picture of my first WoW level 60 riding a gryph.. If that doesn't reveal me for a total geek. :eek:
Sweet program. Gives me more mindless fun during my last week off.
Kevin Dean said:
Perhaps my favorite movie of all time and quite fitting for a large poster. :mug:

My wife is the manager of the prepress department at an international company that specializes in digital printing so I've got access to two of these - http://www.xerox.com/digital-printi...s/color-printing/xerox-igen3-110-90/enus.html

Big posters are awesome though. I had an almost wall-sized picture of my first WoW level 60 riding a gryph.. If that doesn't reveal me for a total geek. :eek:

The dude I did it for is putting it in his living room, right above the TV. We did a test placement and it was perfect. It looked so kick ass.

I printed my own, but then as my ink supply went to crap quickly, I took it to Office Max and had them do it. A black and white on photo paper cost me .17 a sheet.

I'm in the planning stages of a prank that will involve 20-30 sheets. That'll be an Office Max job for sure.
quick question - do you cut off the borders before assembling?
BrianP said:
quick question - do you cut off the borders before assembling?
I did...but probably shouldn't have cut off all the borders. I think that cutting off the left (or right) sides only would have made it easier to assemble.

Cutting off all the edges means you have to peice every section together perfectly...edge to edge.

Leaving one of the pages with a border means you can overlap pages during the assembly...making it easier.
BrianP said:
quick question - do you cut off the borders before assembling?

On top of what Bier already mentioned...
I think it depends on what you're going to do with the paper afterwards. Are you going to frame them? If so, you might have to cut all 4.
Another option is to mount the paper on foam board. My sister mounted hers on foam board with no borders and it looked very good. Almost as if the picture was "floating" on the wall.
Re: The border...

Is getting one a function of the printer?
In other words, if you have a printer capable of full bleed, will it render it that way or does the program add a border?
olllllo said:
Re: The border...

Is getting one a function of the printer?
In other words, if you have a printer capable of full bleed, will it render it that way or does the program add a border?

My only recollection is the option for the program to “Draw” a light border, to make it easier to trim.

I didn’t see anything about printing to edge as an option.
olllllo said:
Re: The border...

Is getting one a function of the printer?
In other words, if you have a printer capable of full bleed, will it render it that way or does the program add a border?

Do a search! ;) Hope the below helps, its been a couple years since I did one, and I can't remember which method works best. I know the first one I just overlapped the pages to get it perfect. But on another I used the 'grey line/border' option and cut the margins off. I may have done one full page, but I'm not sure.

#1 would indicate you can go borderless I think.

picture of settings:http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator/printsettings.gas

"When printing the image with Adobe Reader, choose Page scaling: Fit to Printer Margins at the options window that comes up (Fit to Paper in older versions). If you chose horizontal paper alignment, also make sure Auto-Rotate and Center is selected. Most printers cannot print to the margins of the paper - these settings ensure that all the images will be completely printed."

This thread below is mean, but funny:
Did this one a while back. I took that picture when i was 16 in Paris and finally put it to good use.
