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Homebrew Talk

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(a) No person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places:

(2) In front of or in any such manner which obstructs access to or from a public or private driveway;
Standing in line at Everest. I'd rather be at Tree House..
But to get to the top of Everest you have to walk through Rainbow Valley first.

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Maybe I should wear a coat and tie when I brew....hmmmm......a different kind of bling....
I always shower and put on freshly laundered clothes before brewing. I can't prove that that is why I've never had an infected batch, but I'm gonna keep doing it. I'll skip the coat and tie, though.
Years ago, my friends and I looked up "patio" which was defined as a balcony or lanai. We then looked up "balcony" which was defined as a lanai or patio. Finally, we looked up "lanai" which was defined as a patio or balcony. If you didn't know what one of those was, you'd be out of luck I guess.

Also reminds me of the pharmaceutical adds that tell you not to take their drug if you are allergic to it. How would I know if I'm allergic unless I already took it?!