Quick question on crash cooling

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
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To crash cool, do you

1) Immediately place the carboy in the fridge after racking to secondary?
2) Go through secondary as normal, then add a few days in the fridge?
Perfect. Thanks!

I'll be brewing my first in about a week, and from what I've gathered, this is what I'll do:

1) Primary til no more bubbling in airlock, then let sit for another 2-3 days.
2) Secondary for 2x as long as it was in Primary.
3) Secondary in fridge 3 days.
4) Bottle and let condition for a few weeks.
5) Try a beer!

Sound ok?

I also plan on adding 3lb of fruit in secondary as well as adding just a bit of gelatin to help clear.
NitrouStang96 said:
Perfect. Thanks!

I'll be brewing my first in about a week, and from what I've gathered, this is what I'll do:

1) Primary til no more bubbling in airlock, then let sit for another 2-3 days.
2) Secondary for 2x as long as it was in Primary.
3) Secondary in fridge 3 days.
4) Bottle and let condition for a few weeks.
5) Try a beer!

Sound ok?

I also plan on adding 3lb of fruit in secondary as well as adding just a bit of gelatin to help clear.

You are going to get your hand slapped by someone on here about number one...They are going to tell you that bubbing/or lack of is not a sure fire way to tell if the beer is done fermenting....And you have to use a hydrometer to be SURE its done before racking into sedondary....But other than that I think its a great plan. Let me know how the fruit turns out, I want to try that one to for SWMBO.

Good Luck.:mug:
I doubt you will need to crash cool if you are going to rack to secondary, and have 3-4 weeks in the fermenter total. This is similar to what I do, and coupled with a tsp of Irish Moss in the last 15 minutes of the boil, my beers are always crystal clear after 3-4 weeks.
Thanks splat! I forgot to add that into my list, but I will most definitely be taking my readings and racking AFTER the yeast have finished their bit and my gravity has settled...

Now that I think about it, I think I got mixed up. I want to wait a couple days after a consistent gravity reading, not a couple days after bubbling has finished. Thanks for the reminder!