Question about c02 in empty kegs

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Active Member
Jun 15, 2020
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I cleaned, sanitized, and pressurized a Corny keg yesterday to take over to a local brewery and have them fill it up, i didnt end up getting around to it yesterday and probably wont until at least next week.

my question is, will it be okay to just sit fully pressurized and all for all that time? id assume so if all my seals are seated properly and not leaking at all. just want to have some other type of verification that itll be fine is all!

thanks in advance for any help! Cheers!
I think you're in good shape. I do that with mine; clean, sanitize, pressurize and let it sit until the next batch goes in. If you wanted to be extra cautious you could hit the inside with a few squirts of Star San and re-pressurize but personally I'd let it ride.
thanks yeah i figure it sould still be fin as all thats in it is whatever starsan didnt drip out from before pressurizing
@CthulhuBrew33 - It sounds like you have ball lock or pin lock corney kegs. Your local brewery will fill those for you? Is it a closed transfer? If you have Sanke kegs, then I can understand a comercial brewery being willing to fill tour keg.
@CthulhuBrew33 - It sounds like you have ball lock or pin lock corney kegs. Your local brewery will fill those for you? Is it a closed transfer? If you have Sanke kegs, then I can understand a comercial brewery being willing to fill tour keg.
There is a small brewery with taproom near me that will fill your corny kegs for you. I assumed when I read the OP that this was the same thing.
I'm surprised there are states that allow user-owned kegs to be filled. Definitely not allowed in MA, and indeed it was only recently that the state allowed random growlers to be filled. Previously a growler had to sport the fillers branding to provide a presumption of origin for liability reasons...

There is a small brewery with taproom near me that will fill your corny kegs for you. I assumed when I read the OP that this was the same thing.
yes this is exactly what i mean! there are several local breweries here in Eugene, Oregon that will fill user owned corny kegs for you!