I tried a purple Ube stout yesterday at Pure Brewing in San Diego and it was terrific. I’m trying to recreate it. I believe they start with a 9% golden stout and add coca nibs, coconut, coffee, and Ube powder to secondary. There was no mention of lactose.
I’m looking to start with a “traditional” golden stout recipe but need assistance with the ingredients in the secondary - how much and for how long. It’s a beautiful beer that has a vibrant purple color and lavender lacing. And the coconut, and what I guess is Ube flavors, are there but not overpowering.

I’m looking to start with a “traditional” golden stout recipe but need assistance with the ingredients in the secondary - how much and for how long. It’s a beautiful beer that has a vibrant purple color and lavender lacing. And the coconut, and what I guess is Ube flavors, are there but not overpowering.