loftearmen, which recipe came out the best?
I'm a rookie looking to make a full bodied pumpkin cider this week. Let me know thoughts on this:
- 5 gallons of Costco Apple Cider
- 1 x 500g bag of Briess Sparkiling Amber DME
- 1 x Safbrew WB-06 Wheat Yeast (dry) - 11.5 g
1 x 426g can of Farmer's Market Foods, spiced Organic Pumpkin Pie Mix
- 1 banana
- 1 orange
1/4 cup whole grain apple cinnamon grains
- large cinnamon sticks soaked in vodka for secondary
- 2 tbsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp vanilla
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp grated ginger
- 3 cloves
I was thinking boil the food ingredients all together in a gallon of water for an hour. Then strain the liquid out and cool, mixing with 4 gallons of cider. Take another gallon of cider and dissolve the 500g of DME. Finally, mix it all together in the carboy and pitch with yeast.
Will this be ok? Or should I boil the ingredients in the gallon of water with 5 cups of sugar as loftearmen did? I'm thinking no, because I already have 5 gallons of Cider plus 500g of DME.
After two weeks of primary fermenting, I'd transfer to remove some sediment, and add the vodka infused cinnamon sticks. Ferment another two weeks, then bottle with 160g of priming corn sugar for another two weeks.
Any thoughts are appreciated