Well-Known Member
I was too impatient to force carb my first keg of beer over a decent amount of time. I had a simple pils set at 37 deg- 40PSI for 24 hours and 30PSI for another 24 hours. Then I set the PSI it about 8, and tried it out. Fire extinguishers dispense their contents in a similar manor. So I bled off the pressure, set it back at 8 and was able to get enough beer out of it, but I desire a better pour. Was letting all of that pressure out O.K.? I've got it back on 10 PSI, and now I am thinking that longer beer lines will help. I have 6 feet of 1/4 inch on there. I'm thinking that I should get about 10, and play around with it. Does this sound like a decent idea? I've been reading plenty, and I know that I have risked Over carbing by doing so quickly, but once the foam has settled, its really very good- great feel to it, etc. It seems- in my noob opinion, to be a dispensing issue. Does anyone see any big flaws in my current course of action? Was bleeding off all that pressure (from 30 to 10) a bad idea?