I finished brewing and placed the beer in the primary and pitched the yeast as normal. In the process of making the beer I added 2 gal. water to the mash (10 gal batch) just before I started the boil. This gave me about 6 gallons of beer in each primary. That filled the buckets quite full. It left about 4" of head room to the lid. The next morning I heard a loud pop. I went in to check the beer. The air lock had filled with beer and foam and the Lid of the bucket popped off. I changed airlocks and tapped the lid back on. Soon the other primary did the same thing. I repeated the process. This went on all day. maybe 5 or 6 times. The lid did remain on all night but it happened a couple more times the next morning before it settled down. The lid on each container was pushed up by foaming beer. My question is, is the beer still good?