Primary Fermenter Lid popped off

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Dan H.

New Member
Aug 12, 2024
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I finished brewing and placed the beer in the primary and pitched the yeast as normal. In the process of making the beer I added 2 gal. water to the mash (10 gal batch) just before I started the boil. This gave me about 6 gallons of beer in each primary. That filled the buckets quite full. It left about 4" of head room to the lid. The next morning I heard a loud pop. I went in to check the beer. The air lock had filled with beer and foam and the Lid of the bucket popped off. I changed airlocks and tapped the lid back on. Soon the other primary did the same thing. I repeated the process. This went on all day. maybe 5 or 6 times. The lid did remain on all night but it happened a couple more times the next morning before it settled down. The lid on each container was pushed up by foaming beer. My question is, is the beer still good?
beers still good most likely.

you need a blow off tube instead of airlock.


i have noticed that if you brew the same recipe a few times they tend to behave the same. so after a few batches you will learn what beers need blow off and which will be fine with just airlock.

in general heavy beers with large grain bills need blow off. but other things can affect the height of the kreusen also.

my current batch with bry 97 is blowing off. i was thinking of making some sort of yeast trap since the yeast sediment in the blow off collecting jar seems very clean and viable.

good luck
Clean it up on the outside. Clean and sanitize the airlock or just rinse it out with clean water flowing from your faucet.

Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't.

Beer should be fine if nothing got in it.
What do you use for temperature control during fermentation?
Higher temps tend to cause higher fermentation activity, especially in the beginning, when there are lots of sugars available.
thank you! The Lid was just raised on one side about 1 to 2" and it was covered with a towel. I simply pushed the lid down and tapped it tight with a rubber hammer without removing the towel. I place the buckets on large trays and keep them covered in the office which stays at 68 degrees.