Prices going up?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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I stopped after work today to pick up a couple six packs and noticed the prices have gone up a buck or two recently, not too unexpected really. What did surprise me is a few brands seem to be going up more than others. A six pack of Bells Expedition stout was priced at 17.99 which seemed a lot higher to me than the last time I picked it up.

Anyone else notice this or is it only Ohio?
Pass it by for something more affordable.

They'll get the hint . . . . eventually.

I local brewery down here was attempting to sell 4/16oz cans for $9.99
Credit to them for canning, but it wasn't flying off the shelves.

They lowered it to $8.99 and now they are in every corner store. Hand delivered, no less.

The consumer silently 'passing over your product' is deafening. :rockin:

'da Kid
$18 for a six pack? Better be pretty good. If the retailers and breweries can keep getting prices like that, more power to em!!!
Ingredients for my brews run $3/gallon (about $2 a six pack) for something basic to $10/gallon ($6 a six pack)for a recent Belgian Quad that used candi sugar and I had to buy special yeast. If I count the time involved I should really just buy beer, but the fun and creativity involved make it worthwhile.
With all the new breweries these days, I'm thinking competition will kick in and prices will come down a little.
Meanwhile, I'm not buying much commercial beer.
People don't realize that breweries have very little control over pricing. Nearly 2/3 of the price is coming from distributors and the stores. Seriously, if you see a 6-pack for $15, there is a good chance it left the brewery at $5.

Bars are often worse, up to 5-times the price.
I don't notice it much in grocery stores. Although new & limited releases usually gouge the consumer pretty good.
But bottle shops tend to just jack up the price on anything in high demand. Guess I don't blame them, but I certainly don't pay them either.
Most recently was Ballast Point Sculpin @ 17.99. They claimed they couldn't keep it on the shelves. I looked at the born on date code, determined it was approximately 4 months old and responded that "maybe not you but seems like somebody has been able to keep it on a shelf". They were unaware about how to read the bottle date code on the bottles and said I didn't know what I was talking about.

As for Bell's.....they are on my boycott list for the silly lawsuit they've filed against a tiny brewery in North Carolina.
The average price of a 6 pack is $11. Some stores it's higher. It's amazing to see $20 bells (hopslam) six packs fly off the shelves.
Prices around me haven't gone up too much except for a few brands. I don't see competition forcing price decreses, the average
price will just be higher.
A local brewery of reasonable quality here is doing $10 bombers. The beer is pretty good but nothing extraordinary. Another is rocking $15 4 packs.

I find myself reaching for brands like lagunitas and Revolution where I know I'm getting a great beer at $9-$10 per six
I really hope prices don't continue to rise. Having to pay $15/16 for a four pack is too much, I don't care what the ABV is. I don't mind occasionally spending $15-$20 on a 750ml bottle of 15%(highest allowed here :(..) small batch barrel aged brew but I shouldn't have to pay more than 12 bucks for something brewed year round.

Also not sure about taxes but there are different depending on where I go. Sometimes when I buy a pack at the small beer store there will be an almost $2 tax. But if I were to buy the same beer at a grocery store the tax would be like .50 max.
here we get to pay 11.99 for a bud six pack. You've read it right. And i'm in the province with the cheapest beer available.

that being said, I can get a pretty good mix of craft beers in a 6-pack for 9.99 at the local craft beer store. Makes the choice a no-brainer.

It seems that here, the craft brews get less taxed than their commercial swill counterparts. However, with our socialist-bull**** government run alcohol distributor, we cannot get most of the u.s. best offerings delivered :(
i was so pissed off writing my last comment that I missed my 30 minutes hop addition. I guess ill live with a 22 minutes addition then. Cheers ! :)
Prices have gone up in OH for sure. Im not really worried about it, since I mainly drink my own beer. If I had to pay store costs for 100% of what I drank I would be more worried... Personally I dont mind paying $12 for a 4-6pack, since I am not doing it all the time.
Also, both beer stores near me had Sculpin for $12... they must have mistakenly listed the price because all I hear is about how it is 17
I think everything creeps up in price. Beer is just one of them. I so rarely go to the 'beer' store anymore. Price isn't such determining factor as it used to be because of that. About the only time I'm not drinking out of my own taps is if I'm out to dinner or a somebody gives me beer for a gift. Not a bad place to be..... :D