Pliny the Elder swap for East Coast brews

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Jackson, NJ
I've been wanting to try Pliny the Elder for a long time but haven't had the opportunity. Is there any West Coasters that might want to swap a couple bottles of Pliny the Elder for something available here on the East Coast,
like Troegs, Souther Tier, Weyerbacher, etc, whatever might suit your needs.

Help a hophead out.:drunk:

PM to set something up.'re close to Philly. Check this link out.
Search by "pliny the elder" regularly and you can see who in the Philly area has Pliny available. Right now as i type this a pub in Zieglersville has it on tap for $5 a glass. Monks also frequently has it as well, but they sell out fast.

Other than that, good luck with your search.
Ahh... I thought this was going to be a thread from someone from CA looking to trade some Pliney for East coast beer.
Yea, unfortunatly, I'm 15min from the beach so all the Philly locations are
too far to sample and drive home, cause you can't just have one.:D
I got a couple bottles of Pliny sitting around - they were bottled in July and have been sitting in my refridge since. If anyone wants em i'd do a trade.
My local bottle shop keeps Pliny in the back, reserved for the regular patrons. I understand there is a waiting list 20 deep for stores that want it.

I wonder how long before the price of this stuff skyrockets like a fancy wine.
My local bottle shop keeps Pliny in the back, reserved for the regular patrons. I understand there is a waiting list 20 deep for stores that want it.

I wonder how long before the price of this stuff skyrockets like a fancy wine.

That Farmers Harvest? There are a couple others close by that usually have it but I know they usually have some good stuff hidden in back for the regulars.
I'm still looking too. Honestly, I'd live to try any Russian River stuff. I had their Supplication and it blew my mind.
Well I wouldn't mind sending a few to some people as long as I was compensated for the shipping and beer cost or traded equally. Pliny I can usually find and Blind Pig as well isn't too hard. All the sours are around but they aren't cheap for 12 ouncers.
These are usually around


The sours are around from Russian River.

Pure Hoppiness is hit or miss but Alpines Nelson or Duet are usually available.

Sculpin is showing up right now and all the other Ballast Points are around most of the time.
How much does a bottle or a 6er or how ever they sell pliny the elder cost? I have been wanting some for a while and would pay or trade for the bottles and shipping.... Can you tell me how much like 4 bottles would be or if they sell six packs that would be fine too. Here is a list of the beer I have access to if you see anything you can't get.

Then just click the bottles tab. Sometimes there are more beers from each brewery that they don't update and I could easily run in and check for. Or I could pay on pay-pal...
Pliny goes for 4.99 or 5.99 a bottle depending on where you get it. They are like 18 oz bottles. Same price for Blind Pig. Sometimes it is a 1 bottle limit but if the place has plenty I can get more. So with tax 4 of em around 25'ish at the high end.
I'm out of Colorado. Hard to get Pliny here but not impossible. I just picked up a few the other day. I'm willing to set up a trade for some East Coast brew