So my chilling time is currently like a 2-4 hours with my current setup - I just started brewing. I want to drop that down to minutes.
I found this Duda Diesel chart - and the reviews of their chillers are fantastic...minus the fact that PC's can clog without good I read.
I also read that CFC's are nearly the same efficiency (anyone have a chart like the DD one I linked) so I'd be inclined to go that route for the sake of less clogging issues.
I like the small form factor of the plates and the cost of the duda's so are there any CFC's out there for the same cost and same efficiency?
I found this Duda Diesel chart - and the reviews of their chillers are fantastic...minus the fact that PC's can clog without good I read.
I also read that CFC's are nearly the same efficiency (anyone have a chart like the DD one I linked) so I'd be inclined to go that route for the sake of less clogging issues.
I like the small form factor of the plates and the cost of the duda's so are there any CFC's out there for the same cost and same efficiency?
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