Pinner IPA Clone Recipe

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Feb 26, 2015
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Hey Everybody,

Long time searcher, reader, wonderer, 1st time posting. I have used the search function to the best of my abilities, and failed to come up with anything that could help. Here is my dilema: I LOVE PINNER IPA from Oskar Blues.

I am wondering if anyone here could find the time to help another homebrewer reverse engineer the recipe for this wonderful session IPA?

I have been brewing for over a year now, I have formulated and replicated my own recipes. However, I don't think my sensory perception is fine tuned enough to try to reverse engineer a tasty brew. Any help or insight will be very much appreciated!!!

Thank you all for the invaluable information I have found on this forum in the past.

I just opened my first can. Granted it's 2 weeks out of the brewery. I get tons of Apollo in the aroma with a hint of Columbus. Light toasty malt with a background of Crystal malt. Very orangey on the taste with a finishing sweetness.

I would start with 2 row as base with probably 5-6% Crystal 40, 2-3% Munich 10.
Hops would be Columbus on FWH and 60 min with Apollo in the WP. Like I said mine isn't super fresh so I am having a hard time pulling any dry hop but it would probably be those two as well. Both of those hops tend to have 2% total oil content. So you could go eveningly on the dry hop with them. But I feel like a 2:1 ratio of Apollo:Columbus would be better.
And mine doesn't have much of head so I would put 2-3% wheat in there to improve that and it's a bit watery so I would try mashing at 154-156 and aim for finishing gravity of 1.010 or 1.011.
All in all a good beer.. Would love to try it fresh.
Thanks. I wouldn't have thought those hops. Really like this beer so I'd love to try to clone it.

The website said several different hop varities but I like the thought on the above.
I've fallen for Pinner too! It's so good! I've been searching for clone as well. I think the crystal has to be really light, maybe C15 or C20.

For the hops, I found an article that mentions the hops:

"Pinner is dry-hopped with Mosaic, Citra, Eldorado and Azsaca hops, for aroma and flavor. "

The article doesn't mention hops in the boil, but I assume they are the same varieties.

Here's the article:
Awesom. I just happen to have most of those hops at home. I worked up a clone yesterday but will have to change the hops based on the above.
I get HBC 342 for flavor. I was just thinking that last night and figured this would be a good place for this post.
I'd love to hear the results of this. I just tried it a few weeks ago, not knowing what to think... & I love this beer. Picked up a sixer to head to the springs tomorrow. Brewing an All Day clone on Sunday but I'd much rather it be a Pinner clone. Cheers.
Wow. Thank you all for the contributions. I thought I might be alone in this quest, as I hadn't been notified of your replies via email, until just now for some reason. Anyway, now that I am aware that I've been helped, I sure am glad to have asked, especially seeing that a few of you had the same question. Honestly I was expecting much more trollish responses. So thank you all, once again. (Don't begin a sentence with a preposition, Jay!) (Me trolling myself, to make up for the lack of trolling in this post)
Guys any more feedback on this? I am going to place an order today and any feedback on your recipe would be great. Going for a 10g all grain batch and wanting to get as close to pinner as possible.
I was given some things by the brewery. They didnt give me all the info on it but a good start. Im working on a recpie based on what they gave me.

The grain bill for Pinner is
o 38% Pale malt 2L
o 36% Pale ale malt 3.5 L
o 12% Carapils malt 3 L
o 14% Aromatic/Dark Munich 20L

Gypsum in the Mash. Lactic Acid to acidify the sparge.

There is a FWH, kettle and whirlpool hop additions. They didnt tell me which ones. But for dry hopping its Mosaic, Calypso, Azacca and lower amounts of Eldorado, Citra as well. I beleve they do a few different dry hop additions. One at day theee of ferementation then not sure on the ofher.

Thats about all the info i got but i think its enough to build something. Hoping to have something for a five gallon batch built soon.