Paper thin baby scoby

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May 30, 2014
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I am on my third batch of Kombucha. The first two have turned out great, taste good and lots of fizz on second fermentation. The only problem I am encountering I think, is that the new scoby are very thin. The one on this brew from 7 days is just thinner than either of the other two, even though they also were really thin. I don't have ph strips, I intend to buy some tomorrow but I've had no mold, the tea tastes and goods good, but I'm worried that something is up.
The new pellicle will be thin, but it's existence is irrelevant to the final product. Don't worry about it. If it floats, it'll get thicker, if it sinks you'll get a new one.
I get a nice thick SCOBY with continuous brew (after many weeks), not sure if it's really possible if you do single batches all the time.

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