that would be for 5 gallons, give or take (it depends what your efficiency is).
Use a recipe calculator to scale it down - ( is a good free one. A good starting point would be to divide everything in half, and assume a 75% efficiency.
That is an all-grain recipe, so you'd have to be set up to do a mash - you certainly wouldn't want to boil the grains - make sure you remove them before you start the boil. Basically, steep them for 60 minutes at about 150F, then remove and begin the boil. The 'brew-in-a-bag' technique would work for you (search the forum or Google for brew-in-a-bag pics and instructions).
In addition to the barley-juice, you'd also want to boil the bittering hops for an hour as well - again, a brewing calculator would help you figure out how much you need. 1/6th oz of Magnum would probably be in the right ballpark to get 15 IBU's out of a 2 gallon batch.
And, yeah - you got it. Add the spices and orange peel after you've already been boiling everything else for 55 minutes. Boil for 5 more minutes, then chill it, add the yeast, and wait.