only bottleing 4.5 gals!!!!!

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Feb 17, 2013
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hello fellow brew buddies!!
I am bottling my first brew this week end, a 5 gal recipe for an oktoberfest. However, due to cosmic forces beyond my control (that my story and I'm sticking with it!:drunk:) I could only transfer 4.5 gals to my secondary! Now at bottling time I realise the package of priming sugar is for 5 gals, not 4.5! should I reduce the amount of sugar a bit(maybe one or two table spoons less) so I don't over carb the batch which could have it's own troubles??? or would it be ok to use the whole package with not much worries??
thanks again
You could reduce to 4.5oz of priming sugar if you wanted to be precise about it. Probably not a big deal though, at 4.5 gallons.

I rarely get a full 5gallons of finished beer out of a 5gallon recipe, but as long as Im within a half gallon I usually use the full 5oz of priming sugar. If I'm off by more than that, I might adjust a little.

The only time I had a problem with breaking bottles was my first stout. Due to the ingredients (powdered peanut butter in secondary) I lost a lot to trub in secondary. Ended up with less than 4 gallons, but (without thinking) used the whole 5oz of priming sugar. I noticed the stress marks on the bottles after a few days, and kept a close eye on them after that. When I saw the first one break I cold crashed and drank the rest of the batch QUICKLY before I lost any more :cross:
Or you could use a priming sugar calculator like this one, and choose whatever carbonation level you want to for the beer, and know that you'll hit it exactly.
I'm assuming it's linear so 10% less beer = 10% less sugar or 4.05oz. The difference probably wouldn't be noticeable if you didn't have a scale to be precise.
I'm assuming it's linear so 10% less beer = 10% less sugar or 4.05oz. The difference probably wouldn't be noticeable if you didn't have a scale to be precise.

It's not linear due to the carbonation already in solution leftover from fermentation.

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