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Jan 15, 2025
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I used to brew beer and wine then life got in the way for 23 years. Just got back into it a little over a year ago and boy have things changed. Brewed 16 batches last year, and 2 meads and having a blast. The ingredients, especially the hops, and the equipment available today available to the homebrewer is so much better. You new brewers have is so much better than we did when we had to pitch yeast uphill in snow both ways. Anyway, feel like a newbie again and learning it all over again. Cheers
Welcome back to the hobby and welcome to this community! Lots of luck on your future brewing endeavors!

welcome back brewing has changed a lot

-no more secondary - no need
- temperature control is prolly most important if brewing in ambient temps above say 70 ish.
-there is SO much more selection in terms of dry yeast, - all i had in the 90's was so5 and s23 and nottingham i think that was it
- hops omg hops. literally we had saaz, chinook and cascade, ekg, and that was it.
- the local homebrew store only had old cans of lme maybe some base grains and a tiny selection of specialty.

and terrible advice to hand out for free.
I brewed my first batch on Memorial Day, 1997. It was all extract. I didn’t have a big enough pot. I didn’t have a wort chiller.

Now they have little affordable electric RIMS systems we used to only dream of. The new guys will never know the struggle. 😄
I was in similar situation in 2011.
I brewed 58 batches between 1994 and 1998. Then I had a 15 years break. Now I am at batch #286. I think I brew more all grain (BIAB only) then extract.
I do not buy yeast anymore. I use a frozen yeast bank per procedure described on this forum. Oldest yeast was for over 3 years in the freezer.
No secondary in my procedure. I do not bottle, only kegs.
For heating/boiling I use 3.5kW Avantco induction heater.
I brewed 58 batches between 1994 and 1998. Then I had a 15 years break. Now I am at batch #286.
Incredible - that's almost identical to my timeline. I felt like Rip Van Winkle when I started back into brewing after a 15 year hiatus.

Welcome back to brewing. I'm sure you will enjoy the learning experience catching up with all the changes/improvements.
Great to hear I'm not alone on the journey. I had the old edition of the Complete Joy of Homebrewing and got the new edition and read them side by side and was amazing just the basic differences. Ditched the glass carboys and get a couple Allrounders- love them. Got a $50 freezer on marketplace and an inkbird controller, close transfer and I am making the best beer I ever made. I have my old log and looking at my tasting notes and procedures from back then, we did just about everything wrong and still made decent beer. But today, you can make great beer.

Also, made a couple of meads last year. I followed the new guideline of no-boil, which was tough to do, but did it anyway. Best mead ever. Really kept the essence of the honey and was so smooth.

Over Thanksgiving, I got a new-to-me e-BIAB system. Got my 3rd batch fermenting now but really like the simplicity of it and the ability to step mash. So far, did a pale ale, kolsch, and have an IPA fermenting. Beer is just as good. Maybe a few points lower in conversion but still getting used to the equipment, but beer is just as good and shaved 1-2 hours off of brewday.