Thank You and any help would be most welcome.
My last few brews I feel have had basically the same aftertaste. At first, my mouth can taste I believe what the flavor profile should be IE lemon, hoppy, or other flavors with a basic beer aftertaste. Within a week or so a strong taste of something overpowers everything, and I can only describe it in one way.
When I was younger my grandpa had a woodworking shop that he used every day to work on different projects for companies like Disney. That smell of his work area with all the dust on the floor and different wood stains is 100% of what my brain goes to as this flavor. Now that I am older I know he must have had epoxy or another chemical on hand that mixed with the wood smell to make his work area smell the way it did.
When I use to bottle I do not remember getting this off-flavor so quick or ever at all which is why I think something is off in my kegging process. When I keg pre- carbiniation I will taste the beer, and it will be cold and flat-ish but still have a good flavor. I will fill up the Keg with beer and stick it in the kegerator for about a week at 15 PSI and test it. If I feel like I enjoy the carbonation I will turn the PSI down to serving at 5 or 6 and wait another week or so. It is during that time the beer takes a bad turn. I toss the first few glasses, and the next few are good, but 2 weeks in and I get a solvent or epoxy flavor, and I toss most of it.
I have looked online for what this flavor could be, but with no luck, and it's consistent over my last few batches. Sometimes when I change from 30 PSI to 5 PSI I will get so much foam, that I will let out a lot of Co2 from the keg. Could that be a cause or using too much PPW. I know cleaning is a big issue, but I do not think this is causing my off-flavor I have really upped my cleaning game and that's when it started. All my brews have also been IPA with dry hopping which might be an issue.
I really just want to understand this flavor so I can fight it
Any advice would really help I have a brew coming up (NOT an IPA )and I really want it to be good. I did not want to make this post long as no one would read it. I might have already gone past that point, but if you want any more info please let me know.
Thank You
Thank You
My last few brews I feel have had basically the same aftertaste. At first, my mouth can taste I believe what the flavor profile should be IE lemon, hoppy, or other flavors with a basic beer aftertaste. Within a week or so a strong taste of something overpowers everything, and I can only describe it in one way.
When I was younger my grandpa had a woodworking shop that he used every day to work on different projects for companies like Disney. That smell of his work area with all the dust on the floor and different wood stains is 100% of what my brain goes to as this flavor. Now that I am older I know he must have had epoxy or another chemical on hand that mixed with the wood smell to make his work area smell the way it did.
When I use to bottle I do not remember getting this off-flavor so quick or ever at all which is why I think something is off in my kegging process. When I keg pre- carbiniation I will taste the beer, and it will be cold and flat-ish but still have a good flavor. I will fill up the Keg with beer and stick it in the kegerator for about a week at 15 PSI and test it. If I feel like I enjoy the carbonation I will turn the PSI down to serving at 5 or 6 and wait another week or so. It is during that time the beer takes a bad turn. I toss the first few glasses, and the next few are good, but 2 weeks in and I get a solvent or epoxy flavor, and I toss most of it.
I have looked online for what this flavor could be, but with no luck, and it's consistent over my last few batches. Sometimes when I change from 30 PSI to 5 PSI I will get so much foam, that I will let out a lot of Co2 from the keg. Could that be a cause or using too much PPW. I know cleaning is a big issue, but I do not think this is causing my off-flavor I have really upped my cleaning game and that's when it started. All my brews have also been IPA with dry hopping which might be an issue.
I really just want to understand this flavor so I can fight it
Any advice would really help I have a brew coming up (NOT an IPA )and I really want it to be good. I did not want to make this post long as no one would read it. I might have already gone past that point, but if you want any more info please let me know.
Thank You
Thank You