We did our annual apple pressing on Sat, treated the two 5-gal carboys pictured below with Campden tablets. Around 26 hours later, I pitched SafCider TF-6 into the carboy on the left and SafCider AS-2 into the one on the right. Both were added directly from the packet. Three days later, the AS-2 is going gangbusters; nothing is happening with the TF-6. Basement temp is 63F, well within the TF-6 range. OG was 1.046 @ 62 degrees. My inclination would be to add yeast nutrient to the TF-6. Unfortunately, I don't have any and there are no homebrew stores anywhere around here in central Vt. I'll order what I need from Brewhardware, but not sure what I should do in the meantime. Bring the carboy up to the main floor where the temp is 66-67? Rack it into a keg, charge and purge to retain freshness, then rack back into carboy when the nutrient arrives? Or just leave it where it is and do nothing other than cover it back up? Also, I figured I'd order another packet of TF-6 and pitch that with the nutrient. Thoughts?
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