Gave up drinking alcohol late 2011. Would love to get back to some form of brewing as I enjoyed the process. Several breweries are doing a great job of creating low (<.05) to zero alcohol. As I understand it you can heat the finished product gently to remove the alcohol, some capture the flavors and put that back into the beer. Others brew a beer through various methods that keep the production of alcohol very low to begin with.
I've tried Clausthaler - The hopped version is excellent, Original version good.
Bravus Brewing - Mostly excellent
Athletic Brewing - Mostly excellent, hard to buy as they sell out quick
Wellbeing - only tried one variety and it was ok, not great
Surreal - Ok, only can drink it while eating something that helps bring the flavors forward, otherwise muted to my tastebuds
Partake (Canadian) - OK, but kind of watery.
Heineken 0,0 - Ok, not great
Various German brands - Mostly ok but again not great
Various American offerings from the big brewers are mostly bad
So I'd love to learn how to brew one of the beers that limits the alcohol upfront in the process and produce a nice hoppy homemade beer. Finding info about how to actually do this proved to be difficult so I gave up and mostly buy Clausthaler because it is easy to find (Trader Joes) and reasonably cheap compared to The Bravus or Athletic brands that I like but have to mail order.
For all the people who hate it, just don't brew it or drink it and enjoy what you want.