No Fermentation after 3 Days

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
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I haven’t been brewing much these days, but I have guests coming in a week. My last few BIAB brews have been lackluster, so I thought I would go back to an extract kit (Dawn of the Citra) to keep things simple. I purchased it from a local Ace Hardware that sells homebrewing items. The kit may have been on their shelf for a while.

The brewing went fine. I pitched directly from the packet as I’ve never had a problem before. I decided to use my keezer as a fermentation chamber since it only had a sparkling water in it. I set the inkbird to 66 degrees since the packet suggested 66-68 degrees. I was confident and didn’t take a gravity. I wish I had.

The beer was brewed Tuesday evening. There has been no signs of fermentation. No krausen, no bubbling that I can tell. Gravity is now about 1.052 or so (as best as I can see), so I don’t think that really shows any fermentation. I can even see some of the yeast sitting on the top of the wort. I’m bumping up the temperature to 69 to see if I can get things moving. I don’t have a way to get more yeast tomorrow, but could get some on Sunday.

Should I pitch more or be patient? If I do, should I get more Calidry or move on to something else? Maybe a kveik and boost the temprature up a lot? It would be nice if it was ready when the guests get in town, but they will be here for several weeks.
Apparently that's a legit pre-packaged kit produced by "BrewMaster" and retailed all over creation. Cool!

This page says the OG is 1.064 - when mixed to the directions, of course. But if you're confident you hit the prescribed water volume accurately that may well indicate something's happening.

It wouldn't hurt to lay hands on a packet of compatible yeast - Calidry, US-05, BRY-97, etc., will all do - in case your next SG check hasn't moved (I'd test it tomorrow as it should definitely have dropped some). It'll keep in the fridge if not needed :)

Thanks for the reply. I guess I should have reread the instructions. I thought I remembered the OG being 1.056, but you're right. Maybe it really is making some progress. I ended up with a bit more wort than prescribed, but not THAT much more.

I'll follow your suggestion and check tomorrow night. If no progress, I'll supplement.

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