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New Member
Jan 1, 2025
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Good day to all, I'm Chris, currently living in the Huntsville Al area. I retired from the Army 15 yrs ago, after 20 yrs. I started Homebrewing in the late 90's, with a beer kit SWMBO got me for Christmas, at the PX in a state where home brewing was, at that time, illegal. (AL) (funny story on that). Over the next few yrs, went to extract, then all grain. Then stopped, although I still have my equipment that I had accumulated. One of the reasons I haven't brewed in a long while is I currently don't have a way to control ferment temps. Looking at something to build for a fermentation chamber and have found several ideas on here, which I will attempt in a couple of months. Wondering why I started to want to brew again? Drank a few of craft brews in different places and I kept having the "I can brew that" run through my head. So, hopefully, I am back and will re-start the "Nude Dude's Brewhaus" brewery.
Greetings from an hour south of you in lovely Crane Hill. Pretty much just a Post Office, a Dollar General, and roadkill.

If you can brew as well as Straight to Ale, Yellowhammer or Rocket Republic, I am impressed.:mug:

Temp control is a PitA, IMO - so... not a lager guy. My idea of temp control is to brew what works at the ambient temp of my utility room. 68 - 73 F depending on the season. Plenty of options.
Welcome, Chris.

Ferm chamber: 7 cubic ft chest freezer: $150-170.
Inkbird Temp Controller: $30 (or free if you get in on beta-testing and reviewing when Inkbird offers it here).

No mods needed if you're just using it as a ferm chamber. Plug the controller into the wall, plug the freezer into the controller, put the sensor wire into the freezer, set temp, and walk away.