NHC 2023 First Round

Homebrew Talk

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Thanks @Boilerbrew for the insights!

I was a steward a number of years ago (with no serious plans of getting back into competitions or stewarding at the moment). Many things seem to be the same, some things (like tracking scores at the event) appear to have improved.

It's good to see that this

I got to meet some great people that this community has to offer.

and this

Almost all the judges were interested in talking with me on their process and letting me sample the flawed beers and talking through their feedback for the entry (the other stewards were quick to share what was left of the 40+ point beers but the judges took a little time to help me learn)

is consistent across the years and regions of the USA.

... and for those "in it to win it" next year, /r/homebrewing and AHA forums has some recent topics with good discussion.
... might be creating a long running side topic ...

Do you bottle condition or package from kegs?
I package from the keg right now with a picnic tap and a piece of racking cane capping on foam, or at least trying to. I hate bottling beers and my old process was one founded off of that disdain. I now have come to realize it's an important part of the entering beer and receiving good feedback. Being patient and realizing that it might take more time and effort than I want but that it is still important to get a good fill level as well as making sure the beer I'm bottling is at an appropriate carbonation level for the style. So as of right now I always sanitize and fill more bottles than I intend to enter. I also try to package a little early and then wait and sample a packaged bottle before submitting to double check my process. And I've recently purchased a counterpressure bottle filler for future use.
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I hate bottling beers and my old process was one founded off of that disdain.
There is a section on packaging techniques that extend shelf life in The New IPA. I'm early in adopting some of the packaging techniques. So far, I'm seeing positive results and it doesn't take much additional time when I bottle.

eta: there's more in the book on shelf life, packaging, and sources of "staling agents"; some of the ideas are scattered throughout the book. The searchable e-book can be helpful in finding them.
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So for me, the beer I thought would advance, my NZ Pils was my highest scorer at 39.5, but was eliminated in mini-BOS, though my Czech Dark that I thought was not my best, took silver with a 37 in Philly, so 5th NHC in a row I have a horse in the race. Have to say my re-brew of the Czech Dark, which is currently lagering for another week before I carb it, is miles better than the original one as I was able to get CaraBohemian malt this time where I could not last time and subbed it with a blend of Victory malt and Deer Creek First Crack, a melanoidin malt. I also had a longer boil and switched up the yeast, going with White Labs Oktoberfest yeast in order to try to get as much malt complexity the style is know for out of the beer. So high hopes, but going up again 26 other very good Dark Euro lagers, so you never know.