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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2007
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Angola, Indiana
Ok. I have the first Mead in process, it is a Melomel using blackberries. I want to get a second mead going maybe this weekend. I am looking for some recipe ideas. Myself, I'll drink anything I've made, but the wife and others want something pallatable?? Go figure. So, what is a good mead recipe that most people would enjoy? Thanks for any input.
I'd think sweet and fruity if you are looking to appeal to the masses. Lots of people don't like dry. I'm thinkin Sweet Orange Blossom.... Joe's ancient perhaps?
JOAM or my modified version MOAM (listed in my recipes) wouldn't be bad choices, as they're supposedly drinkable without lengthy aging. you could also leave out the orange, and up the cinnamon sticks and shoot for a metheglin.

one word of advice too...don't try to make peach mead unless you've got a hookup on real, tree ripened peaches. grocery store peaches and frozen peaches just aren't gonna cut the mustard. the tree ripened ones are much more flavorful, sweeter, and will impart that flavor well. crappy peaches will just funk it up.
Thanks for the ideas. I'll look the recipes over and get something going. I have both peach and pear trees, so maybe next year as they come on I'll try something with fresh fruit. I have access to peach, pear, apple, cherry, grapes, raspberries, and mullberries.