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New Member
May 7, 2020
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Alright, trying to see what exactly I did wrong. I have brewed a few batches in the past, small 1 gallon batches and bottled after two weeks. Bought a conical brewer that holds a few gallons and the last batch I made I bottled a gallon and tried to 2nd rack the other gallon for a month. The ones I bottled came out good, when I bottled the second that's where I ran into a snag. I bottled the first with priming sugar the second I used Coopers drops. The second batch was thick and syrupy with no carbonation the first was fine. Now during the second racking was I supped to pitch more yeast or leave some of the trub when I second racked?
I don't think I understand your process for the second batch so correct me if I'm wrong... You made a 2 gallon batch, bottled 1 gallon, then let the other gallon sit in the fermenter for another month, then bottled that one. How long have these beers been bottled? The second batch is a month behind the first so I would think any lack of carbonation would be due to that. Also, there would be less yeast in the 2nd batch of bottles since the beer sat longer in the fermenter but still enough to carb. Give the second batch of bottles more time and they should be fine.
I don't think I understand your process for the second batch so correct me if I'm wrong... You made a 2 gallon batch, bottled 1 gallon, then let the other gallon sit in the fermenter for another month, then bottled that one. How long have these beers been bottled? The second batch is a month behind the first so I would think any lack of carbonation would be due to that. Also, there would be less yeast in the 2nd batch of bottles since the beer sat longer in the fermenter but still enough to carb. Give the second batch of bottles more time and they should be fine.
I used a conical brewer at first. I then filled bottles and than a carboy. The brewer I used is about two gallons. on the second batch I left it in the carboy for a month then bottled. After they were two weeks the second batch had no carb. Waited two more weeks opened another bottle and still nothing. Was i supposed to leave a little of the trub in the second carboy?
There's still plenty of yeast in suspension in "clear" beer so intentionally transferring trub isn't necessary. Really the only thing different is that you used the Coopers drops but I don't see how that would make much of a difference carbonating your beer unless you didn't add enough or they didn't dissolve.