New to all grain, software?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
So I've been brewing extract kits for the last year and a half. It's been a good time with excellent results. I'm now making the jump to all grain. Getting all the equipment together and soaking in the never ending information I read here.
I'm wondering about brewing software. Any recommendations? Is software a big help or just a luxury? Any insight would be great.

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Congrats on the jump. IMO, some sort of software is critical. Manually calculating mash and sparge volumes, preboil gravity, etc. would be a major PITA. I highly recommend Beersmith. It does everything you need and more. Check out the free trial and compare it to something like Brewer's Friend, which is also good.
I have never used anything other than Beersmith and never will. I am sure that there are other great programs out there but Beersmith does more than I will ever use it for. Check out the free trial, if you like it it's only $20 or so well worth it.