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Sweetwater IPA clone.

I think I'll have another... ;)

SW IPA Clone.jpg
from the top:

Brown ale


Imperial stout

Imperial stout

First sample of red flanders

and imperial stout again

sorry but i'm not able to manage attachments:drunk:

2013-07-07 19.55.32.jpg

2014-01-11 19.20.13.jpg

2014-01-31 14.53.05.jpg

2014-05-30 20.51.56.jpg

2014-09-05 16.52.22.jpg

My first beer from my new fermentation chamber and kegging system.
A southern english brown ale. It sure was tasty, to bad its all gone

My newest brew, a pale ale

You've really got that beer photography technique down.

I've been playing around with my DSLR and I'm getting there... did you set up some supplemental lighting for this one?
You've really got that beer photography technique down.

I've been playing around with my DSLR and I'm getting there... did you set up some supplemental lighting for this one?

The picture looks more contrasty and saturated after uploaded on here than my calibrated monitor, but anyways. I look for good window light if I'm inside, here I just set up on the dining room table and opened the blinds up. Camera is my Canon 6D and lens is the Sigma 35mm Art shot at 1.8 here.

Now what makes the glass and beer almost seem to glow is simply a white piece of paper folded and placed behind the glass reflecting window light back into the glass, really illuminating it. Hope that helps!
The picture looks more contrasty and saturated after uploaded on here than my calibrated monitor, but anyways. I look for good window light if I'm inside, here I just set up on the dining room table and opened the blinds up. Camera is my Canon 6D and lens is the Sigma 35mm Art shot at 1.8 here.

Now what makes the glass and beer almost seem to glow is simply a white piece of paper folded and placed behind the glass reflecting window light back into the glass, really illuminating it. Hope that helps!

Ohhhhh.... I can see the shadow now. Nice work, looks great.
Extract Centennial Blonde - ~2 weeks old, could've coaxed a better head out of the pour, but whatever. Well carbonated, tasty. Beer.


Still floccing around with my camera settings... obviously I'm not quite there yet.