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Charles Sword

New Member
Jan 20, 2025
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I'm a beginning homebrewer who came upon this site while researching options for conical fermenters. My first few batches have been with the conventional plastic bucket and bottling bucket. Right now, I'm using plastic buckets and bottling but my long-term plan is to improve my control and transition to kegging.
Welcome, Charles. Nothing wrong with using buckets. I've been using them for 16 years, have won a few awards, and will only stop using them as they break and give their last. I do keg, though, as I was asked to not bottle 15 years ago when 2 "shotgun blasts" went off in the house... really 2 porters that had been aging 9 months or so and bottle-bombed on me...
Welcome to the gang!

I started out with a trash can, no such thing as a brewing bucket when I started. When such a thing was available I used them for years.

About five years ago I replaced a modified half barrel fermenter and bought a Spike conical fermenter. The half barrel modified keg worked great for years but I was convinced a conical would be better. I got a project bonus at work that I made the invest with.

Overall the Spike CF10 has been a good investment. Just starting out I would stay with buckets till you're confident you have a brewing process down. Less outlay of cash up front.

I've been into this hobby since around 1985, making investments along the way. Started out with basic canned hopped extract then to all grain now. It's been a gradual progression learning lots along the way.
Welcome to the hobby! Definitely nothing wrong with plastic buckets, unless they get scratched up inside, which can hide bacterial. I have been brewing for over 14 years now, plus some time in early 90's when I dabbled with extract brewing, and still use plastic carboys and buckets. I do replace them every few years though.

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