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Nov 22, 2023
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Columbia, SC
I am Ed Prytherch of Columbia SC and I have been brewing in the US since I immigrated from England in 1982. I started brewing out of necessity as there was very little commercial beer in the US that was worth drinking in those days. Anchor Steam was the exception but it was not sold in the South at that time. I joined the American Homebrewer's Association and I won a blue ribbon in the 1986 National competition.

These days I keep it simple - not much experimentation, just cloning my favorite American Beer Deschute's Mirror Pond Pale Ale which is not sold around here.
In the early days almost all of my supplies came from NC - Alternative Beverage in Charlotte. I doubt that I could have got going without them.
Welcome to the gang!

I also started brewing around the same time and for almost the same reason. The brewing landscape has certainly changed since then. Great hobby and still enjoying it with every batch!
Greetings from the San Francisco Bay area. I am guessing you have some great info to give. Looking forward to hearing and learning from your experience. I just started a couple of years ago, and like you, have mostly stuck with recipes that were either like commercial stuff, or very simple in nature. Have fun and welcome