New Green Flash Labels, what do you think?

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Beer Gnome
HBT Supporter
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Virginia Beach
I've always thought the old green flash labels were pretty plain looking, so I was interested in what they would choose to do when they decided to redesign them. After seeing the new labels, I actually prefer the old ones. At least the old label has the full logo which has a nice design to it. The new one just has slanted text with some gradient color and a very simple logo (just the flash). I know it's just the label and it doesn't impact the flavor of the beer, but I like good bottle art. What do you all think?

Here's the old one:

Here's the new one:
Had both the West Coast IIPA and the Road Warrior Imperial Rye IPA last night while brewing. I think I like the old labels for the same reason Teromous cited above. New labels are less elegant IMHO, I don't really dig the flashy slanted names. Plus, no logo other than the half sun with green flash name below.

But both brews were exquisite so really...whatever.
I never liked their old ones...but I really don't like the new ones....ahh my negativity.
My vote is for neither... They got a good IPA, but I'd never buy their beer based off the label alone. Looks like it was done in Microsoft word
I prefer the new over the old.

Hard to argue with what your grabbing, and different beers have different colors to separate them from each other while making them easily identifable on the shelf. Maybe a little too simple, but they look good on bombers (tried a 30th Street from them and it had the new label on it).

I've seen a lot worse labels out there than these...
Old for sure. Just had a bomber of the Imperial with the new label. Don't like the label one bit. There was no date on the "best by" date location of the label, either. But the beer still rocks.