Need some direction

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2013
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Hey all

I started homebrewing last year and it seems the more I learn about brewing and beer the more I want to know. The problem I'm having is with so much info out there and all kinds of things to try. I'm like a kid in a candy store and don't know where to go next. I've read Palmer's How To Brew and have seven 5 gallon batches under my belt and 10 gallons of wine. Is there an outline out there somewhere that can give some direction or a free online course.

I'm currently researching base malts and trying to learn and lingo and the facts about them. Two ideas I had were to go back and rebrew some recipes and either try and replicate them or make changes. Or I thought about trying to brew all the BJCP styles.

Has anyone felt this way about brewing that can give me some direction
I feel the same way too. It hasn't been a full year of brewing for me yet but I want to learn more and with each batch I make. I think some community colleges offer adult ongoing education classes and maybe a brew class is offered. Or maybe classes are offered at LHBS, not sure though.
One thing that helps is to look for a local homebrew club. It is good to have other folks to bounce ideas off of, and to share experiences. Can save you some time trying something they already have.
I have a homebrew club that I'm a facebook member of at least. I haven't gone to any meetings. The president of the club owns the LHBS and while I know that he may not be a representation of the group whenever I go in to the store to shop I always go out of my way to make conversation and talk about what I am brewing but he always seems uninterested and if I ask for his input about a recipe he usually says that I should try it the way it is and see if I like it.

What I would really like is a book that goes in depth about making your own recipes.
The chemistry of Beer class is wrapping up this week, but I think they will be having the class again. This one ran from Jan-May........You can learn alot, and it's a free course.....
If you can get some brewing software it really makes designing beers a lot more fun. Good software will allow you to see changes in color and gravity as you play around with recipes. They will have BJCP guidelines for styles to help guide you. Really fun just to make stuff up or for when you make those "leftover beers".

When you're ready to test yourself try making an American Lager with rice or corn. You can use flakes but you get better flavor if you do a cereal mash. Light beers are the true test of a good brewer and hey, Summer is coming and you might need a good lawnmower beer!:mug:
Just keep reading here and you'll learn more than you want to know.
Just keep brewing and you'll learn something new every time.

Not much else to it really.