need online calc for partial DME and Grain

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
Reaction score
Lower Alabama
Is there a calculator online for putting in the partial grain bill coupled with DME to get an estimate on my OG at start?
I have a bunch of different malts here to brew with, but was hoping to get an idea at the sugar I will get from em?
Thanks for looking in

.5lb Special
.5lb Non Malted Wheat
Dme needed to get to 1060 OG,,, type thing
Something like this?
You specify the brew method and can then enter ingredients. (I checked and you can use All Grain for the method and still add extracts as ingredients.
I like Brewtoad. I think its one of the more simple programs but I started using it because it's free and have continued using it because it has all my recipes. I haven't noticed any accuracy issues.
Kealia, thanks appreciate that. Do you have any idea why my OG on a mock recipe of 5lbs DME, 1lb of wheat, .5lb of special shows 1.05 and a FG of 1.012? is that supposed to be 10.50? EDIT I meant 1.050
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