Need help planning 'Oktoberfest' block party

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Lawncare and Landscaping enthusiast
Jun 10, 2017
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Hello friends,

Me and my neighbors are starting to go a bit stir crazy, as I suspect most of the planet is by now. After a few (okay, a dozen-ish) pints with one of my neighbors last night we decided to host a block party, and because of how long it takes to process a permit application it will fall just in time for an 'Oktoberfest' bash! I ran the idea past a few other neighbors and everyone is stoked that we finally have something to look forward to that can actually be done while following CDC guidelines.

So far the 'plan' is for it to be a pot-luck type party but will have a 'menu' of things for people to sign up for and bring. The menu so far includes:

i) Spent grain pretzels/cheese dips
ii) Veggie platters/dips

i) Bratwurst
ii) Smoked/roasted chicken
iii) Smoked/pulled pork

i) Boiled potatoes
ii) Potato salad
iii) Salad of some variety
iv) Fruit

* 'guests' choice

i) Marzen (on tap)
ii) Keller (on tap)
iii) Hoppy somethin or other (on tap)
iv) Cider (hard, on tap)
v) Wine
vi) Cider (NA)
vii) Rootbeer (NA)

I think our food is pretty solid but I'm open to suggestions. One of our neighbors is a decorated BBQ competitor, another is an avid baker and I'm no slouch in the kitchen either ('dont sell yourself short, Judge. You're a tremendous slouch!' Sorry, I'm buzzed and Caddyshack is the best movie ever).

So far, my main hang-up is on what activities to put on. This will be Oktoberfest 'themed' but I dont think any of my neighbors would be willing to don their Lederhosen, learn traditional 'sing-a-long' drinking songs or will want to listen to Polka music so I have in mind:

Activities (aside from eating, drinking and socializing)
i) Cornhole
ii) Polish horseshoes
iii) Beer pong (I hate it, but can't deny its popularity)
iv) Ladderball
v) Fireworks (another neighbor has a pyrotechnic license but I dont think we'll be able to get a permit in time....looks like we 'wont' have fireworks)

I had in mind that this party will be 21+ but it seems we're already divided over whether this should include children or not, so, more than likely children will be allowed to keep the majority happy.

With all that being said, I just wanted to reach out to see if anyone on here has any experience throwing a party like this to see if there is something I missed, should consider, must include and to take general advice.

If any of you are in Eastern Nebraska when this bash goes down please feel free to stop in to hoist a Stein or Krug, feast on some Kielbasa, Bratwurst, Pretzels and partake in the general debauchery that is sure to ensue. Cheers!
Fun idea - I’m jealous!

my initial thoughts were:

1. might want to re-think beer pong unless you’re doing the water-in-cups method. Even so, you’ll have to stand directly next to someone for both that and cornhole. Hard to socially distance with those, especially beer pong where you have to be there ready to block bounces.
2. Isn’t it safer, virus wise, to only serve hot foods? If I were to go to a pot luck in these times, I’d steer clear of anything not piping hot. Who knows who made it? I assume you’ll have some sort of plexiglass or require mask when serving yourself to keep people from talking over top of the foods?
3. What about a stein-holding contest? Get a bunch of the dollar store steins and stage a tournament. Google the rules if you’re not familiar - pretty fun! Maybe a prize for the winner? Growler of homebrew to take home?
@Amadeo38 you're right online with the conversations we've been having as coordinators.

Fun idea - I’m jealous!

my initial thoughts were:

1. might want to re-think beer pong unless you’re doing the water-in-cups method. Even so, you’ll have to stand directly next to someone for both that and cornhole. Hard to socially distance with those, especially beer pong where you have to be there ready to block bounces.

(Purple is my favorite color...fight me!) Beer pong, as much as I hate it, is in the lead because we will be able to use bleach water in the cups so even the ball is sanitized. Ideally all events will be 'couples vs. couples' to maintain social distance while still playing against each other. Also, cornhole may be out because we can't sanitize the bags but with polish horseshoes/ladder ball we could dip the frisbees/bolos (balls tied together) and our hands in bleach/sanitizer water in between plays to keep sanitized...?

2. Isn’t it safer, virus wise, to only serve hot foods? If I were to go to a pot luck in these times, I’d steer clear of anything not piping hot. Who knows who made it? I assume you’ll have some sort of plexiglass or require mask when serving yourself to keep people from talking over top of the foods?

Food has been the biggest topic of debate that I overlooked. Plexiglass is a great idea, though insanely expensive so we will likely makeshift with saran wrap. With all that being said we're leaning towards only having trusted people prepare hot dishes and assigning a designated server OR a designated person boxing up individual servings. Food is going to be the biggest obstacle I feel.

3. What about a stein-holding contest? Get a bunch of the dollar store steins and stage a tournament. Google the rules if you’re not familiar - pretty fun! Maybe a prize for the winner? Growler of homebrew to take home?

Stein-holding contest is a great plan if we can find them for a reasonable price somewhere and I really like the idea of some sort of a friendly competition, since to keep appropriate distances this will ultimately have to be 'house vs house' or 'couple vs couple' as much as we can. Thanks for your help and input, the Plexiglass/food shield idea is spot on and we overlooked that. Cheers!
good god! can we just get over the whole virus thing?! please! viruses circulate ALL THE TIME, ALL YEAR LONG! this one is no different. /endrant

Years ago I used to brew for an oktoberfest party my friend put on every year. one of the things we did was get a huge block of ice and make a shot luge. we actually fabricated a stand to put it on. The block of ice was about 36x24x12. we used drills to make the channels. it was alot of fun. especially being at the top pouring when the women were doing shots! we also hired a ompah band a few times.
good god! can we just get over the whole virus thing?! please! viruses circulate ALL THE TIME, ALL YEAR LONG! this one is no different. /endrant

Years ago I used to brew for an oktoberfest party my friend put on every year. one of the things we did was get a huge block of ice and make a shot luge. we actually fabricated a stand to put it on. The block of ice was about 36x24x12. we used drills to make the channels. it was alot of fun. especially being at the top pouring when the women were doing shots! we also hired a ompah band a few times.

I'm not as concerned about the virus as a few of my neighbors, or as laid back about it as others are either. But, since it IS a real thing and some of my neighbors are paranoid about it I do have to reasonably accommodate the ones who are since they are invited and this is designed to be fun for everyone involved.

Some of the sanitation/distancing requests have been ridiculous and will get shot down, but others, like having hand sanitizer available and requiring masks/gloves when at the food station are good ideas in general.

A shot luge would be awesome, but aside from me and a couple others attending most guests are light drinkers and the luge would definitely go to wast. Hiring a band is a good idea though, I'll have to spend some time looking into that. Cheers!

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