Need advice about efficiency numbers

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Hello all,
I just finished my fourth AG batch, BIAB style. When I enter my recipes in beersmith, I set my efficiency to 60%. On my last two batches I hit my all my numbers (actually had a little higher OG, which gave me a bit better than 60% eff.) I read and hear everyone say 75%, etc.
I know by calculating my recipes at 60% it takes more grain, etc. My question is should I worry about my efficiency at 60% if I am constantly getting that? I buy my grains already crushed from an online vendor since I do not have a LHBS or a mill.
Thanks in advanced!
60% is respectable enough, especially for BIAB. If you're happy with your results, no need to change anything. If you're curious and want to run some tests, you can always check out Kaiser's troubleshooting guide here.The spreadsheet is a good way to figure out where you're losing sugars.
I BIAB and at first my efficiency was at around 60%.for a few months.

When I dug into my water profile and began to build my water (I elected to use RO water and build up), my efficiency soared. I now am consistently at 75%. I get my grain precrushed as well.

Spend time researching. Use the link the prior poster referred you to. It's a valuable reference.

Don't be discouraged about 60% efficiency. It's just fine. However, if you wish to improve it, you can!
I am just curious but how did you come up with 60% ? Did you actually calculate 60 % after a couple of brewdays? or is that just a number you selected to formulate your recipes? 60 % is low for BIAB 5g batches (unless they are real high gravity). I have never been below 72% even on an 18 lb grain bill 1.080 beer. Sunday night I hit 78 % on a 14 lb.
I am just curious but how did you come up with 60% ? Did you actually calculate 60 % after a couple of brewdays? or is that just a number you selected to formulate your recipes? 60 % is low for BIAB 5g batches (unless they are real high gravity). I have never been below 72% even on an 18 lb grain bill 1.080 beer. Sunday night I hit 78 % on a 14 lb.

Gunner, my first batch came out about 59%, so I started entering my recipes in based on 60% efficiency. All the beers I have done so far have been in the 1.048-1.053 range.
I BIAB and at first my efficiency was at around 60%.for a few months.

When I dug into my water profile and began to build my water (I elected to use RO water and build up), my efficiency soared. I now am consistently at 75%. I get my grain precrushed as well.

Spend time researching. Use the link the prior poster referred you to. It's a valuable reference.

Don't be discouraged about 60% efficiency. It's just fine. However, if you wish to improve it, you can!

Thanks kcpup! I will look into my water as well.
Another question I have for you is how much water are you starting with? Just as reference with a 12 lb grain bill on my system I start with 8.5 gallons end with about 6 gallons.
I use beersmith, and an online calculator, not that I don't trust beersmith (I am in the business, sometimes software can have glitches).
Anyway for example my last batch, a Pale Ale, my grain bill was 7.25lbs and my starting water volume was 4.93 gallons. That's for a three gallon batch, as all my batches are 3g.
bayoujeeper said:
I use beersmith, and an online calculator, not that I don't trust beersmith (I am in the business, sometimes software can have glitches).
Anyway for example my last batch, a Pale Ale, my grain bill was 7.25lbs and my starting water volume was 4.93 gallons. That's for a three gallon batch, as all my batches are 3g.

So what is you pre boil amount and do you squeeze the bag?
Measured pre-boil was 4.50 gallon, and yes I squeeze it like it owes me money! I let it drain, then put into a colander and use the pot lid to squeeze. Then use my hands and squeeze until nothing comes out.
Maybe I am a bit confused on my efficiency since I use beersmith.. I noticed someone in another thread mentioning the same thing. Should I be going off of Mash effeciency (which on my last brew according to beersmith was 87%. Beersmith also gives a brewhouse effeciency, which I have been going off of.
So which is it?