Over the course of the past couple of weeks I've been working on a project to convert the BrewPi Arduino firmware to work on an ESP8266 device. This project replaces the Arduino with an ESP8266 -- which means that you can add WiFi capability to a BrewPi without needing any additional hardware. Although it isn't yet 100% complete, I'd love to get feedback from anyone who is interested in trying it out and telling me about their experience.
Features Currently Implemented:
Features Currently Missing:
In order to both implement WiFi support and support the custom pinout of the ESP8266 device, I had to create a custom version of the brewpi script. I also created a custom version of the brewpi-tools installation tool as well. Both of these are on GitHub and are linked below.
There are a number of ESP8266-based boards out there - I took a look at a few of them, but highly recommend the WeMos D1 Mini if you are interested in picking up a board specifically for this project. In addition to the ESP8266 board you will need the standard hardware for a BrewPi build (Raspberry Pi, SD card, power supply) and a USB cable to connect your ESP8266 board to your Raspberry Pi. This project was designed to integrate with a 2-channel relay board and DS18B20-based OneWire temperature sensors. You will also need a separate power supply for your ESP8266 board if you don't want to leave it powered by the Raspberry Pi itself.
Board Pinout:
Installation Instructions:
Full installation instructions are available here. If you prefer, I've also uploaded videos to YouTube showing how to , , and . If you've already used BrewPi then the process should feel very familiar - the only major difference is a small configuration change to brewpi-script and the fact that you are flashing the firmware through the command line rather than through the BrewPi interface.
As of right now the firmware appears to control temperature as I would expect -- for me, in my environment. Please test the firmware in your environment prior to hooking it up to heating/cooling equipment.
If you have any questions about this firmware or run into any issues, please post here or PM me and let me know. Hopefully you find this project useful and it helps you to make better beer!
brewpi-esp8266 - GitHub repo for the firmware
brewpi-esp8266/docs - The docs
brewpi-tools - The custom BrewPi tools repo
brewpi-script - The custom BrewPi script repo
YouTube - Playlist of installation instruction videos
In working on this project I'd like to first thank ame and his wonderful Fuscus project as it was in working with him that the idea for this arose. I'd additionally like to thank Elco and the other people on the BrewPi team as - obviously - without BrewPi this project wouldn't exist.

Features Currently Implemented:
- WiFi Support
- Serial Support
- Temperature Sensing
- Relay-based Temperature Control
- I2C LCD Support (Currently address 0x27 only)
Features Currently Missing:
- Rotary Encoder Support
- Buzzer Support
In order to both implement WiFi support and support the custom pinout of the ESP8266 device, I had to create a custom version of the brewpi script. I also created a custom version of the brewpi-tools installation tool as well. Both of these are on GitHub and are linked below.
There are a number of ESP8266-based boards out there - I took a look at a few of them, but highly recommend the WeMos D1 Mini if you are interested in picking up a board specifically for this project. In addition to the ESP8266 board you will need the standard hardware for a BrewPi build (Raspberry Pi, SD card, power supply) and a USB cable to connect your ESP8266 board to your Raspberry Pi. This project was designed to integrate with a 2-channel relay board and DS18B20-based OneWire temperature sensors. You will also need a separate power supply for your ESP8266 board if you don't want to leave it powered by the Raspberry Pi itself.
Board Pinout:
- D1 - I2C SCL
- D2 - I2C SDA
- D3 - Cool
- D4 - Heat
- D5 - Door Sensor
- D6 - OneWire Data
Installation Instructions:
Full installation instructions are available here. If you prefer, I've also uploaded videos to YouTube showing how to , , and . If you've already used BrewPi then the process should feel very familiar - the only major difference is a small configuration change to brewpi-script and the fact that you are flashing the firmware through the command line rather than through the BrewPi interface.
As of right now the firmware appears to control temperature as I would expect -- for me, in my environment. Please test the firmware in your environment prior to hooking it up to heating/cooling equipment.
If you have any questions about this firmware or run into any issues, please post here or PM me and let me know. Hopefully you find this project useful and it helps you to make better beer!
brewpi-esp8266 - GitHub repo for the firmware
brewpi-esp8266/docs - The docs
brewpi-tools - The custom BrewPi tools repo
brewpi-script - The custom BrewPi script repo
YouTube - Playlist of installation instruction videos
In working on this project I'd like to first thank ame and his wonderful Fuscus project as it was in working with him that the idea for this arose. I'd additionally like to thank Elco and the other people on the BrewPi team as - obviously - without BrewPi this project wouldn't exist.

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