My Homebrewpub (WIP)

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Absolutely Incredible!!!! And as a fellow Lions fan....This is our year!!!! You have the perfect spot to watch them turn it around~!!!! :)
The unit I'm using is dorm size, but the whole thing is a freezer. I've talked to a couple HVAC guys and they think that it will be able to do the job just fine. I don't plan on hooking up any fans, but I will later if I need to.

It should do just fine. Mine's been running for 2 years now without a problem.
The only completion date I've imposed is about the middle of September when I have my annual party. I should be done in plenty of time for that.

Boy was I off in my estimate. I'd put it at about 90% complete right now. I have the next couple of days off to wrap up some more things before the party. I'll try to get some new pics up before all my friends come over and trash the place.
So cool. I am def keeping an eye on this thread as I will be trying to produce somewhat of a man cave 1/2 as cool as this.
I keep waiting until I can call this 'done', but I'm a bit of a prude when it comes to my projects, so I figured that I'd just go ahead and take some pics at what I'd call about 90% complete:

Concrete countertop 1:

Concrete countertop #1:

Concrete countertop #1:

Concrete countertop #1 + pub booths:
I built some shelves around the perimeter to showcase some of my bottle collection:




the back side of the tap tower was painted with chalkboard paint so beers could be ordered by number:

Lower bar concrete countertop:

Lower bar concrete countertop:

Lower bar concrete countertop:

The big white thing that you see is the lid of the 35+ cu. ft. cooling chamber that will eventually be painted w/stainless metallic paint.
Shelves behind the bar:

12 taps:

12 taps, the coiled hose is for the drain for the drip tray (not installed yet):

Ranco is set to 44, and this temp probe is 12" from the top - no fan needed:
tap tower:

cooling chamber lid & bar:

Shelving (waiting for trim):

My signned Barry Sanders jersey:
behind the bar:

Theater ---> I know it doesn't look like it in this pic, but this is a 12 feet diagonal screen - in 1080p.

From the theater to the pub:

Considering the kick ass space that you recently built, I'll take that as a HUGE compliment. Thank you, sir.
Holy cow are you kidding me? Jealous would only begin to describe my feelings right now...
Thanks for all of the kind words, folks. I'm having a poker party down there tonight that will put the pub to its 2nd test. :D
There's room in the cooling chamber for the 14.5g conical...



A couple more random pics (ya, ya... I was tired of drinking 7+ abv beers on tap so I picked up some PBR but that's not the point... I set the camera down and happened to see the reflection off of the countertop...):


I'll try to get some pics of the theater room taken and get them posted. The brew room is a different story though. Right now it's kind of a catch all for all of the stuff that I need to get out of the way to make the pub look nice and clean... I have A LOT of cleaning and organizing to do in there before it's presentable. Even then, it's a pretty plain room compared to the pub and the theater.

I'm trying to get dome DIY content from this project up on my youtube channel. Mostly introductory stuff in this video, but I'll try to get more videos done soon.
