My First Recipe Attempt: Session IPA

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Apr 13, 2022
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Hello All,
New brewer here, so far I have done a wee heavy (drinkable turned out thin), Pliney clone (it wasnt pliney but turned out fantastic), pepper blonde (turned out nice), and Blind pig IPA clone (Still in primary).

I'd like to try a session IPA of my own recipe, I'm taking some hoping amounts/techniques from the pliney clone but using hops that I love. Please critique on how this recipe could be improved or point out glaring flaws. Thank you!

1 Campden Tablet to reduce chlorine/chloramine
7lb 2 Row Pale malt
1.5lb Flaked Oats
1.5lb Wheat Malt

Boil @60 min
.25 oz Citra

Whirlpool @30 mins
3oz Mosaic
2oz Citra
1oz Columbus

SafAle US-05 Yeast

Dryhop last 4 days
2oz Citra
2oz Columbus
2oz Mosaic
You should add in your batch size (end of boil/into fermenter/packaged), projected OG/FG/ABV, and IBU level.

If this were my recipe I would replace the flaked oats with more 2 row.
What OG are you targeting? You might want to look some of the old recipes from London brewers. What we call session IPA today was very common back in the day. OG's from the early 1800's up to WWI (1914) range from 1.055 to 1.060. Hopping rates were usually generous ranging from 90 to 190 IBU.

The grist of these IPA's were always dead simple. Most consisting of just 2-row pale malt. Around 1900 you started seeing a mix of 2-row and 6-row very often with invert sugar added. Hops were mostly Goldings and Fuggles but American Cluster for bittering was not uncommon.

One sub 5% ABV recipe I have is from Whitbread Brewery in the early 1900's that is just 75% 2-row... 15% 6-row... and 10% #1 invert sugar. The OG is 1.050. Hops are all Goldings at 90, 60 and 30 minutes for an IBU of 92. Mash at 152° and boil for 90 mins. Use your favorite English yeast.
Oh Sure,

5 gallon BIAB Batch Size
7.4g Boil
6g End of boil

Projected (in beersmith) OG 1.051 (wouldnt mind it being a bit higher)
FG 10.16
ABV 4.6%
IBU 41

Thank you for the feedback!
And Ill check out some of those old recipes, sounds interesting and pretty easy!