Well-Known Member
I Started my first brew on 12-28-07 after recieving the equipment i needed for christmas. I was totally stoked and went down to my lhbs and picked up a Brown Ale Extract recipe... Things couldnt have gone better as far as the boil went, I was really prepared and that made a huge difference. Well living in Washington state there was about 6 inches of snow on the ground the night i boiled up my wort, i decided to pile up a bunch of snow and when my wort was finished i just plopped the kettle into the snowbank thinking that my wort was going to be cooled in about 20 minutes....wrong! It took two hours for my wort to finally cool to about 70 so i could pitch the yeast. I guess the snow wasnt such a good idea??? Anyway i just racked it to my secondary and was thinking about adding some vanilla to half the batch when bottling time comes. I was curious if any of you have tried this and how much vanilla should i add to 2.5 gallons? I was thinking like an ounce or two? I appreciate the help!:fro: