My brother just made my day!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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It's been a long day. I've been reading the book my sister got me for Christmas, Brewing Classic Styles, for a few days and I've been kind of bummed because I'm about broke following the holidays and all. I would really love to be brewing this weekend, but I really can't justify a $25-35 kit or ingredients at the moment, with the number of bills piling up, and I've got to make what's left in the bank account last through the end of the month.

I got home tonight, after 14 hours on the job to find a nice sized box on the front step. I promptly open it up to find a 4 oz bag of whole Hallertau Hersbückers perched on top. I knew he was sending some empties in a B.O.M. box that he wanted to exchange for some full homebrews. The real surprise was the nice Extract w/grains kit from Home Brew Outlet in Sacramento packed along with six empty bottles. :tank:

I love this guy!

I get to brew this weekend. It's a steam beer kit, and it was on my short list of beers to make soon too. Looks like a nice kit.
Oh what a cool brother you have...

This is s crappy time of year for indulging in our hobbies, what with the post xmas bills staring us in the face... I really really need another carboy so I can move my orange/ginger Dortmunder off primary... But I'm not ready to bottle my stout.

*eyes the big garbage can in the kitchen*;)
homebrewer_99 said:
That's great!!

My brother is in prison. I never get to seee/hear from him...although today is his birthday. ;)

Maybe you can get him to send you a "prison wine" kit... Big black garbage bag, Ketchup packs, juice boxes, fruit peels, a semi clean sock and some moldy bread.:D
paulthenurse said:
Send him an extra rack. He earned it.
I think he'll be getting more than just a 6'er out of this batch...;)

homebrewer_99 said:
My brother is in prison. I never get to seee/hear from him...although today is his birthday.

My first son's birthday is today also, I hope there's no numerological tendency for incarceration for Jan 11th...

Revvy said:
Maybe you can get him to send you a "prison wine" kit... Big black garbage bag, Ketchup packs, juice boxes, fruit peels, a semi clean sock and some moldy bread.:D

No way, go for the premium ingredients and substitute juice boxes and moldy bread for the OJ and bread yeast.
I just cracked one of these last night, after only about 10 days in the bottle. Already carbonated up pretty nicely, and the Northern Brewer hops came through wonderfully! This is my best extract brew yet, and it's not even done conditioning. My brother's going to love it when he gets his share, which I have to admit now is going to be kind of sad to have to part with, but as my benefactor in this case I should almost send him more than the 12 pack I planned on sending.