Morebeer Heated and Cooled vs Morebeer Ultimate Conical

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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2013
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Anybody have the morebeer heated/cooled conical that wants to comment how it is? Also, anybody with the ultimate version? Is the ultimate version the better choice or is it the un-needed choice? The conical will always be inside the house so extreme hot/cold isn't an issue. Also I am considering the 14g version so when doing 5g batches maybe the ultimate will heat/cool better (smaller) batches (since the plates will be higher in the conical).

There is plenty of people talking about how they like their conicals but which version to get is the question. OR maybe after reading this post you can say "don't order either" -- All feedback is welcome (but please stay on topic)
I have the 14g heated/cooled. It does a good job with cooling up to 20* below ambient IME, I've not really tried to go lower than that. I think the only difference on the ultimate is a second cooling block, but both models have them up on the side so neither would be good for 5 gal batches. I measured it once and it's around the 8-9 gal mark I think.
I have the 14g heated/cooled. It does a good job with cooling up to 20* below ambient IME, I've not really tried to go lower than that. I think the only difference on the ultimate is a second cooling block, but both models have them up on the side so neither would be good for 5 gal batches. I measured it once and it's around the 8-9 gal mark I think.

Thanks for that info. I couldn't see myself going smaller then the 14g because of the cost in the unit (and im not going to outgrow something at that cost so fast). Have you done any 5gal batches in it?
No because I pretty much always need the cooling and the 5 gal mark is well below the cooling element as I mentioned.
Anybody else have a heated/cooled unit or think its not worth the money? Seems like it would be quite helpful for a powerful strong beer fermentation.
I have it as well and really like it. It holds temps like a champ. I have the 14 gallon version and do 10.5 gallon batches
Ya since there is temp control I was wondering if any high or low fermented beers were made. Something that the standard carboy couldn't produce (without moving it to different parts of the house to change the temps)
Well you can easily do lagers. When I have it cooling to 20-25 below ambient it's not running the whole time once it gets there so I believe it could go lower as they claim. Not sure what the max heating is, I don't ever ferment anything above mid 70's even my Belgians. It's certainly far better temp control than moving a carboy around the house.
That info is very helpful, and I thank you for all that info. Now do you have the normal one or the ultimate?
I wonder if they are going to have it on sale for Christmas - Anybody from morebeer on the forum?