Mixing 2 5 Gal Batches of same Beer

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, Texas

A couple of weeks ago I started brewing AG and made 2 batches of Eds Pale Ale back to back over 2 days.
One I hit a lower OG 1.035 and the other was 1.042.

I was talking with a fellow brewer friend and he recommended mixing the 2 before kegging to get a "balanced" beer.

I am not in favor it at first thought but wanted to get my "friends" here at HBT to give their 2 cents.


Lots of commercial brewers will blend batches in order to maintain a consistent product. I don't see how blending batches of essentially good homebrew could have a negative outcome.
Well.. my buddy;s point is that one I missed my mark and will be a little lower in ABV and the other is a little higher.. therefore ... I could get a good blend.

My point is that these are my first 2 batches.. of AG.
And I would like to compare and contrast my results so that I can "learn" from that I did and did not do.

I think I am not going to blend this time... :)

or just bottle 3-4 bottles of each before blending, then you can test them both after 3 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months and 12 months to see how they differ with age.

I would also bottle just as many bottles of the "Blend" to see how that compares.
Or fill the glass halfway with one, and top up with the other. Simple!

May sound basic, but that's how pubs used to get a consistent pint of Guinness (i.e. mixing beers of different ages) before this nitrogen malarkey came along.