Howdy All,
Just finished a build for my second mill table but was disappointed by the little piles of grist dust that appeared under the table at the end of brew day. This got me thinking about ways to capture more of the grist dust for the mash. Seems like a loss to not try to reclaim this grist for future brews.
Mill Table 2.0 Project
In my first mill table (monster mill stainless steel 3-roller, left below), I added grain (grist) tube with a bucket lid attached to under the mill. This allowed for the grist/dust to fall into the bucket and with a hard tap on the bucket lid/tube to release the dust. Much remained in tube and would get washed (yep, I would hose it down) out at the end of milling.
Left: Mill Table 1.0; Monster Mill -- Right: Mill Table 2.0; SS Brewtech Grain Mill
With the Mill table 2.0 (SS Brewtech Grain Mill, upper right) project, I opted for a different approach in order to reduce the height of the hopper - a wonderful improvement over my previous mill table.
There is a grain (grist) tube (SS, 6" diameter) under the mill out where the grist will fall through and into a bucket. The underside of the mill table is flat (except for some bucket guides to allow for easy / perfect placement every time). SS Brewtech recommends cleaning out the mill with compressed air; any rinsing for cleaning is discouraged.
Possible Grist Capture Solutions
A) Don't worry about the loss, go for a walk, then have a beer and enjoy the day.
B) Use a mallet on the underside of the table to loosen / release the grist dust into the bucket (current procedure, somewhat successful)
C) Add a massage-chair motor to the the underside of the table to provide a consistent vibration to loosen the dust from the table/grain (grist) tube. I am excited for this, but am wary of the strain the vibration may cause on the grain mill and table.
D) Add a mister to the grain (grist) tube facing away from the bottom of the mill to moisten the grist dust. This seems like it may be a good idea, adding 1, 2, or 3 misters pointing at each other and away from the mill base.
E) other - how do you solve this issue?
Apparently I have too much time on my hands at the moment. Thoughts, feedback, encouragement are all welcome.
Just finished a build for my second mill table but was disappointed by the little piles of grist dust that appeared under the table at the end of brew day. This got me thinking about ways to capture more of the grist dust for the mash. Seems like a loss to not try to reclaim this grist for future brews.
Mill Table 2.0 Project
In my first mill table (monster mill stainless steel 3-roller, left below), I added grain (grist) tube with a bucket lid attached to under the mill. This allowed for the grist/dust to fall into the bucket and with a hard tap on the bucket lid/tube to release the dust. Much remained in tube and would get washed (yep, I would hose it down) out at the end of milling.
Left: Mill Table 1.0; Monster Mill -- Right: Mill Table 2.0; SS Brewtech Grain Mill
With the Mill table 2.0 (SS Brewtech Grain Mill, upper right) project, I opted for a different approach in order to reduce the height of the hopper - a wonderful improvement over my previous mill table.
There is a grain (grist) tube (SS, 6" diameter) under the mill out where the grist will fall through and into a bucket. The underside of the mill table is flat (except for some bucket guides to allow for easy / perfect placement every time). SS Brewtech recommends cleaning out the mill with compressed air; any rinsing for cleaning is discouraged.
Graphic of Mill Table 2.0
[ I went with the SS Brewtech Grain Mill for several reasons, specifically that both rollers are powered and the ability to adjust the roller width with-out disassembling the mill/using additional tools. ]
Mill Table 2.0
Mill Table 2.0 with Bucket
Mill Table 2.0 with Bucket during fitment
Mill Table 2.0 underside
[ I went with the SS Brewtech Grain Mill for several reasons, specifically that both rollers are powered and the ability to adjust the roller width with-out disassembling the mill/using additional tools. ]
Mill Table 2.0
Mill Table 2.0 with Bucket
Mill Table 2.0 with Bucket during fitment
Mill Table 2.0 underside
Possible Grist Capture Solutions
A) Don't worry about the loss, go for a walk, then have a beer and enjoy the day.
B) Use a mallet on the underside of the table to loosen / release the grist dust into the bucket (current procedure, somewhat successful)
C) Add a massage-chair motor to the the underside of the table to provide a consistent vibration to loosen the dust from the table/grain (grist) tube. I am excited for this, but am wary of the strain the vibration may cause on the grain mill and table.
D) Add a mister to the grain (grist) tube facing away from the bottom of the mill to moisten the grist dust. This seems like it may be a good idea, adding 1, 2, or 3 misters pointing at each other and away from the mill base.
E) other - how do you solve this issue?
Apparently I have too much time on my hands at the moment. Thoughts, feedback, encouragement are all welcome.